ISI Blog

3 Ways Professionals Can Increase Their Workplace’s Agility

Written by Aaron Walker | Nov 19, 2021 6:00:00 AM

Sometimes managing an organization or business can feel a bit like running a circus. So many moving parts and people need to operate cohesively to tell a story and create the public presentation.

Aerial acrobats choreograph stunning feats in one of the most gripping aspects of circuses: the trapeze. Not much can inspire more uneasiness and awe than the swings and flips of trapeze artists flying through the air. Amid all the strength and finesse of the act, another irreplaceable quality absolutely must abide between the members of the trapeze team: trust.

Without settled trust among the team, none of the personal strength training, daredevil personas, or number of rotations in the air can carry this iconic act. Trust must lay the foundation in order to create a showstopping sequence worthy of the “oohs” and “ahs”.

The more trust the team members gain between themselves, the more they can explore their potential to reach new heights (literally). Each member strengthens the others, and this allows the team to accomplish more twists and turns than a one-man show could ever hope to achieve.

Even less-acrobatic businesses and organizations can learn from the way trapeze artists use trust as a key feature of their teams. Trust establishes a community within a workplace. A trusting community maintains a high level of ability to accomplish a common goal, soaring over feats that individuals struggle to gain traction toward on their own.

To find a community of professionals who can help you establish an environment of trust within your workplace, and as a result, increase the organizational agility, visit our website or apply to join one of our mastermind groups online.

The Benefits of A Community of Trust in the Workplace

Stephen M. R. Covey describes the need to create an environment of trust within a workplace in his book, The Speed of Trust. He tells of the significant increase in an organization’s agility that can be gained when trust is ingrained in the relationships of the team.

When an employee lacks trust in superiors, he or she will be unlikely to go beyond the basic requirements for the job. Why try to step out with new ideas when they may receive harsh criticism or get run over by other agendas?

When employees don’t feel trusted, they will play it safe or resent their workplace.

Instead of allowing workplace environments like this to wound individuals and hinder the organizational abilities, why not work to establish a community of trust? Trust removes so many bureaucratic checks and balances. In a healthy setting, employees and businesses will thrive as they discover potential for new ideas and leave room for leaders to focus on the ways they need to lead.

Trust improves the agility of your company or organization. You can pivot at crucial moments. You can encourage innovation. You can grow a team to be proud of.

I’ve got three steps for you to practice building good habits that establish a workplace environment of trust.

3 Steps To Live This Principle Out

Here are three ideas for you to implement within your workplace to establish an environment of trust and increase the agility of your workplace:

1. Empower Employees

Can you encourage the freedom to explore innovative ideas to accomplish the tasks and under them? Let your employees use their strengths to build up the organization, rather than boxing everyone into your ideas. Use the advantage of the creative breadth within a group of people working toward a common goal.

Micro-managers spend so much energy trying to create a system their way—and only their way. They don’t offer employees the freedom to use their personalities and skills in a way that enhances their work. This kind of environment results in burnout—both for the employee and the employer. However, sometimes the manager doesn’t realize the unhealthiness of their controlling actions. Make sure you have a healthy self-awareness. Ask team members what they need to receive from you to be successful at their job, and really listen to their responses.

2. Show Appreciation

Will you acknowledge and celebrate their work, achievements, and innovations? It shouldn’t feel like an obligatory recognition. Sometimes this can be through an encouraging environment where you verbally acknowledge their productivity, but sometimes it may include a special celebration of some kind. Watch to see how individuals’ uniqueness adds to your team, and point out the qualities they bring to the organization.

Tell stories about not just their accomplishments, but about them as people. I’ve been a part of office environments where stories of previous employees continue to float around, telling of their personalities and contributions long after they’ve moved on.

I mentioned celebrating… Consider throwing occasional events to celebrate the value of your employees. They don’t always have to be big ordeals—sometimes a simple treat or outing will do to show your appreciation.

If you establish a workplace culture of celebrating people, you’ll see that attitude trickle down through the organization and build confidence in team members.

3. Build Loyalty

Along the same lines of showing appreciation, giving credit to others builds loyalty. Covey explains that by affirming “the value of an individual’s contribution, you also create an environment in which people feel encouraged to be innovative and collaborative and to freely share ideas,” which multiplies trust! He also points out your efforts to build trust and loyalty with one deeply intertwine with your ability to create trust with many.

You need to be consistent in your descriptions of others’ contributions to the team. As Covey says, “Don’t praise them to their face and then downplay their part in the work behind their back.” When you consistently speak highly and respectfully of others, you inspire the confidence of your team. They won’t have to feel anxious about what you might say about them when they leave the room.

Your workplace has more potential than you can imagine when you set up a community of trust. Practice these steps and watch your organization’s agility soar above the crowds!

If you want to improve the agility of your workplace, you can find other professionals to help challenge and guide you. Reach out to us at our website and apply to join one of our mastermind groups online.