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2 min read

A Man of Faith

A Man of Faith

When you ask Aaron Walker how he would define himself, you might think his answer would highlight his business success, his leadership influence, or his drive and determination...but the characteristic that Aaron values above all, is his faith. He once said “The great thing about faith is that the more it’s exercised, the stronger it gets.”

As a man of great faith, Aaron not only believes in himself and his ability to solve problems and tackle new challenges as they present themselves; he has unwavering faith in Jesus Christ to lead him in the way of righteousness and truth.

View From the Top encapsulates several scriptural truths, intertwined with Aaron’s own life experiences. Each chapter contains Bible verses that illuminate the reasons behind the decisions he makes, the way he treats others, and the characteristics that he embodies consistently. Aaron shows through his own actions that living by faith and being dedicated to serving God leads to exponential success.

Whether you are a Christ follower or not, the Biblical wisdom spattered throughout the pages of View From the Top is practical and useful in all walks of life. With sound advice such as “For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers” (Proverbs 11:14) anyone can appreciate the ageless and well-proven knowledge given by the portions of scripture that Aaron provides his readers. He even uses his own words to amplify the ancient teachings, and gives a 21st century perspective on how to draw out the key elements of the scriptures he lives by. For passages like Proverbs 11:14, Aaron delivers this insight: “when you surround yourself with others who possess wisdom and experience, you will always be better off as a direct result of their life lessons.”

Through faith, Aaron has overcome many obstacles and reached heights of success that most people have only seen in their wildest dreams. His commitment to following God and living by the decrees provided in the Bible has delivered him through numerous trials and temptations that come with each level of success. In View From the Top, Aaron shares many of those times and the Bible verses that he relied upon to guide him down the right path.

Taking scripture passages like “let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.” (Proverbs 4:25) to help him stay focused on his work, he works daily on the art of applying Biblical wisdom to his own life, and he conducts his business with erudition through diligent study of God’s word.

Through faith, Aaron shows us how striving to live for righteousness leads to great rewards. To learn more about living with faith, and to discover the process for reaping your own rewards, pre-order your copy of View From the Top today.

View From The Top Book by Aaron Walker

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