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View from the Summit

Black Friday Like I Have Never Experienced!

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 1, 2014 5:00:00 AM


I received a phone call last week asking me to watch my two grandsons, 5 and 7 years old for 6 to 8 hours to allow my daughter and wife to take advantage of "Black Friday" shopping deals.

Well, two days prior to the shopping adventure my oldest daughter's babysitter fell through giving me the privilege to watch my two granddaughters on that same day, ages 6 and 12.

I thought at first I would let them play at my house, I considered bowling and various other fun activities, but at the last minute I canned all of the above.

We started the day out at Waffle House for an early morning breakfast where we decided to spend the entire day doing "random acts of kindness", anonymously. We selected two adults eating alone and secretly summon their checks from the waitress.

What a fun time to watch as they tried to figure out what was going on. All the while my 4 grandchildren smiling from ear to ear, trying not to look their way.

A quick stop by Kmart to pick up a dozen boxes of chocolate and a dozen toys. Our first stop was the Senior Citizens Assisted Living where we spent the next hour doting over the most precious senior citizens on the planet. We went from table to table inquiring about each one and their occupation before entering their retirement years. Each person had a unique story and loved visiting with the kids. What a special group of people.

A few short miles down the road is the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital where we met with the children's service department and once again anonymously distributed the toys.

I sincerely mean what I'm about to say, we have never had such an awesome day together. My grandchildren talked the remainder of the day about the wonderful time they had, doing random acts of kindness.

This post is not intended to brag, it's intended to encourage. There are countless opportunities before us to bless others. Hey, next Saturday, grab your children or grandchildren and design your own day of blessing others.

Everyone's smile will forever be on my mind.

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