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View from the Summit

Dave Ramsey - Why Life Coaching With Aaron Is Common Sense

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 22, 2014 3:10:27 AM

Walking Among Giants:

drhome_card_theshowAs I wrote in my recent post 6 Reasons Why I LOVE My Mastermind Group  I have had the priviledge and honor to be in a mastermind group with some of the nations most successful authors, speakers, entreprenurs and businessmen.

One of those men is Dave Ramsey. Dave is changing the world with his simple message of personal responsibility and common sense.

While I was preparring to launch http://ViewFromTheTop.com I was very honored and humbled when Dave took a few moments and put together a video testimony to help spread the word on the work I'm doing here and in my life coaching business.

If you haven't had a chance to see my testimonial page yet I wanted to share this with you... Enjoy.

A Message From Dave Ramsey:

Thanks Dave!


While it's fun to have your friends and colleagues say nice things about you, I share this to motivate you. Take action. If you're at a place in your life where it's time to step up I would love to help.

Want to start the conversation? Contact me HERE



Topics: Life Coaching, Business Coaching, Masterminds


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