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Five Things About Motivating Myself and Achieving My Dreams

Posted by Aaron Walker on Sep 10, 2014 10:53:00 AM

My Top Fives:


I thought it would be fun (and helpful) to occassionaly share with you some simple lists of my "top 5".

These will be quick and straightforward things I have learned through the years. ~ Enjoy!


Here are 5 ways I have been motivating myself and achieving my dreams:

I am a high achiever. I like to win in life and business. Here's five things I always keep at the front of my mind to help me stay focused.

1. Work hard, often methodically.

2. Remember:

"Can't couldn't do it and Could did it all."

3. Remain a student for life.

4. Surround yourself with successful people.

5. Be willing to try, even if you don't succeed at first.


What About You?

Do any of these resonate with you? I'd love to hear your feedback - or maybe some of your own top 5 things that help you in motivating and achieving your dreams.


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