ISI Blog

How Can Effective Habits Shape Your Ideal Mastermind Group?Useful Methods to Understand, Interact and Guide Others to Success

Written by Aaron Walker | Feb 13, 2021 6:00:00 AM



Last week, I talked about the first four habits in Stephen Covey’s landmark bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People


What help would I be, if I didn’t reveal the rest of them? To read about the first four habits, click here


I enjoy the order of these habits. Without first developing yourself (Habits 1-3), it’s difficult to be effective at developing others (Habits 4-7).


The three habits we’ll talk about now are great tools. They’ll make you more effective and influential in your relationships, at work and at home.


  • Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood


I think a lot of people could use a lesson in this habit, especially after watching the presidential election in 2020. I’m not here to get political, but this idea went by the wayside, as each candidate tried to win.


There’s so much mudslinging, I’m surprised when a politician accurately repeats what the other side says. They say things like, “My way is the only way for progress,” without actively listening to what others say. How do they know an opponent’s policy wouldn’t work, without understanding it?


Habit #5 comes from a place of love and maturity. Delay the gratification, and leave space for others to feel understood. Showing others that you care about their best interests is a surefire way to gain their trust.


If you’re a leader, it’s wise to listen intently. Get to know people’s hopes, dreams and attitudes. Knowing what people truly want makes you a better leader. 


Even if you “lead” people into a position outside your organization … when you understand, you can do more to help others achieve their desires.


Listen closely, and find ways to demonstrate your understanding of what others want. Only after doing this should you attempt to make yourself understood.


Understanding is the basis of all effective change. If you aim to be more effective as a mastermind business leader, consider The Mastermind Playbook.


  • Habit 6 – Synergize


Combining people and resources to create new solutions is a highly effective habit. 


Anybody can point out what’s wrong. But it takes a special person to see a bad situation and improve it, with resourcefulness and pragmatism.


Whenever there’s a conflict or a difference that needs solving, “synergizing” is a huge benefit.


Covey provides a simple definition of synergy: “It means the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It means the relationship the parts have to each other is ‘a part,’ in and of itself.” 


He also says that synergy catalyzes, unifies, and unleashes the greatest powers within people.


Can you imagine if we all worked on synergy? Amazing solutions that haven’t been thought of would rise to the surface. Centuries-old barriers could fall easily, if we practiced this habit.


Synergists don’t settle for less than a win/win situation if they can help it. They’re willing to have difficult conversations and consider every possibility. The ability to create acceptable alternatives is a sign of someone who’s synergistic.


Our team knows a thing or two about synergy. We gathered a lot of great resources and practices that were helpful in growing mastermind groups online.


We packaged them together to create a roadmap for growing yours - The Mastermind Playbook.


  • Habit 7 – Sharpen the Saw


“The good thing about getting to the top is that you can coast once you’re there” ... said no effective person, ever. High achievers surround themselves with others who challenge them to keep improving.


That’s what I love about online mastermind groups. Members guide one another to greatness. When multiple minds work on the same problem, they find solutions faster. 


Another way to sharpen the saw is practicing your craft with others. One of our members does this in his business. He’s a content creator, and has several freelancers on his team.


The entire team meets to discuss challenges and possible solutions. They also make it a point to meet individually for “film study sessions.” 


During these sessions, they critique each other’s work, in a constructive and collaborative way.


The person receiving the critique sees how they can avoid mistakes in the future. The person giving the critique improves their skill, by sharpening the skills of others. Talk about a Win/Win!


Almost everyone’s saw needs sharpening now and then. One way is to learn from the wisdom packed into The Mastermind Playbook


You’ll see what to do, what to avoid, and how to position yourself to attract ideal group members!