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View from the Summit

It's A Season Of New Beginnings

Posted by Aaron Walker on May 1, 2018 6:00:00 AM

It’s finally beginning to look like spring in the south. After numerous ‘false starts’ this year, new and vibrant life is emerging all around! Everything is either growing or dying. Neutral and ‘fine’ is not a state to live in. This is THE time. Almost always, we think we have more opportunities, chances or the next day. Even when we’re blessed with healthy lives, next thing you know, it’s gone in the blink of an eye.

If not now, When Michele Williams



That is the reason I get thrilled every time I learn about a man deciding to take action and invest in himself, to live a life of success and significance. And I trust that's the same thing you do. You have decided to pick up a shovel and you are now planting seeds for new growth.  And your investment not only allows you to be at your best but it also has a profound impact on your wife, family, community, and, even for just a little bit, to this world.


I’m excited to watch  you all roll up your sleeves and get to pruning, weeding and planting seeds. And soon, many of you will be watching new growth emerge in your lives and even in your businesses.


At View from the Top and Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind, we passionately grow and encourage extraordinary men of success and significance. And because we want the women in our lives to experience the same, I am excited to introduce Michele Williams, the Founder of the BVU (Best Version of You) Mastermind for women.




Michele and I were previously in a mastermind together and we share similar values.  We are both encouragers at our center - with a healthy dose of grit. In fact, Grit & Grace are two of the BVU Mastermind’s core values.


Michele is a serial entrepreneur beginning with hawking fireballs in the back of the school bus in sixth grade. She has owned a high-tech recruiting firm for the last eight years, works with Scott Beebe as a business coach, and a mom to a 13 year old son.  You’ll find she is a straight shooter with a great sense of humor and an infectious energy.


The BVU Mastermind is a group of growth minded women of various backgrounds, perspectives, age and experience but unified by a single mission - to propel each other towards living the absolute best version of themselves.  We are developing some thematic collaborations between ISI and BVU. But BVU is their unique Mastermind, intentionally designed to best serve women. They are doing their own thing and we’ve received some positive feedback about all they have going on.


As Spring rolls around - new growth emerges, weeds appear, daylight increases and it's a season of new beginnings. How awesome would that be if you and the women in your life, were simultaneously, picking up the trowel, laying new seeds and harvesting new growth?


As Michele likes to say…  “if not now - when?”


I encourage you to reach-out to Michele directly to learn more at 843-253-0104; mojowilliams16@gmail.com or check out her website www.bvumastermind.com 

Topics: Masterminds


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