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Mastermind Group ~ Is It For You? Part 2

Posted by Chris Shrader on Apr 6, 2017 11:14:21 AM

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Masterminds are a way to become better as a person if you are willing to invest and commit to the proposition of the idea. If you want to go further, push yourself then a Mastermind will be for you.

I am going to continue to expand on the value of a Mastermind Group from the article I wrote a few months ago. Here is the link for you to read if you missed it, Mastermind Group - Is It for You? December 3, 2016. You will understand the content of this article by reading the first one beforehand.

I just returned from my second Mastermind meet-up a few days ago from writing this article. It was attended by 55 of my “closest” friends. To say they are my “closest” friends is exaggerating, but we all were there with the goal to become better men. And to be honest, despite how great the guys from my Mastermind group are, I am still learning and getting comfortable knowing these guys. However, there was ease with meeting them and reconnecting with ones I had met earlier. We all come from different backgrounds and the goal is to become better men.

I had attended one Mastermind meet-up 4 months earlier. I had to admit I was intimidated attending my first one. This is how I am wired: to be reserved in new situations. There were guys like me holding back some, guys who were out “shaking hands and kissing babies”, and guys in the middle of these two ranges.

With this recent Mastermind meet-up, after the two and half days were over, I would even say I was closer to the Mastermind guys. I came away with new ideas and I also gave back to the members! That is key: to be a GIVER to your Mastermind group. I can hardly wait for the next one!

So what I have learned in the last 12 months of being in a Mastermind group? Let me list the benefits below.

  • I have grown and become unstuck due to some career direction changes. I am very thankful for “slowing down” because it has enabled me to do this Mastermind.
  • I am more authentic, transparent, and real as a man. I am more at ease with myself. It is something I will always have to work on and I have grown in this area by letting my “shield” down more.
  • I am willing to take more risks and put myself out there more with trying new things. I have more confidence. I have the TRUE support from a group of men who have my best interest at heart and will tell me like it is.
  • I have learned new things:
  1. I know so much more about podcasting and the mechanics of putting one on. I am looking to do one myself in the future or partner with someone.
  2. I have been a podcast guest twice.
  3. I know more about websites and how to set them up. I have learned how to use web analytical tools, SEO (search engine optimization), etc.
  4. I now know about Internet security and protecting my information and that of my family. I can thank one of the guys in our Mastermind group who is an expert in the field. He has spoken before many times on national TV.
  5. I have been introduced to new tools i.e. ZOOM for web meetings. Trello for project management, numerous time-saving applications, and web-based services that help me save time, i.e. Freelance Editing Services through a service called FIVERR
  • I read and listened to (Audible) 42 books in 2016. I cannot tell you the last time I read so many books. Maybe college? About 2/3 were business and personal development with the remaining 1/3 being more enjoyable reading or listening.
  • My Mastermind group has encouraged me to write more so I can share my knowledge and experiences. I am doing this via LinkedIn. Maybe someday I will get my own blog site, but for now LinkedIn suits me fine. They have challenged me to write an article a week in 2017. I have to admit I am behind and they are there regularly asking me how it’s going. I am lucky that I came away from the Mastermind meet-up with 10 or so new ideas. I will get caught up.
  • I am committed to this idea and I am encouraging other men to join and look at Masterminds. If not through my organization then find another.
  • I want my sons and nephews to join a Mastermind group. The sooner the better. They will be better men in the long run (I hope they are reading this article).

If you are thinking about becoming a better person (man or woman), I encourage you to look at this option. If I can be of more help or answer questions, please reach out to me via or my email @ cjshrad@gmail.com.

I am not sure there will be a “Part 3” but there could be. I am on a journey with my Mastermind group and looking to grow. I hope you are encouraged and inspired to seriously look at this option for yourself.

Resources for Masterminds

-      The Mastermind Blueprint by Tom Schwab and Aaron Walker

-      Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

To Your Success!!

Topics: Masterminds


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