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View from the Summit

Want to know how to make your wife happy? Listen to her.

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 25, 2014 7:47:00 AM

I’m not sure what you said, I only know what I heard.

People Together-10.jpg

How many times over the course of a week do you misunderstand your wife? Did you misunderstand or did you just not listen?

Are you so busy you can’t slow down enough to understand what your wife is saying? Are you too quick to accuse your wife of being a “nag” when in reality she is just following up on something you promised you would take care of?

You say you want to know how to make your wife happy. Do you still want to know if the one telling you is your wife? It is easy to read a book – listen to a podcast – but what about asking the one who knows the best?

Why are we so quick to please others outside of our homes? We say we care about our family but then they only make it to the bottom of our to-do list – if they make it at all.

We think our family will continue to forgive us and overlook our shortcomings.

And the truth is they will, to a point. But how long will they tolerate us ignoring or neglecting them before we need to call in damage control?

Do you know how to make your wife happy? Have you checked your wife’s pulse lately? Would you be willing to ask – regardless of the answer – if you have been causing any damage in your relationship? Do you care more about your family than anything else? Then do whatever is needed to become a great listener.

Listening to your wife is hard work – but the payoff is a good one…did you hear what I just said?!

Topics: Life Coaching


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