Experience an ISI Event...
In person and virtual events with a brotherhood of Christian business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals committed to growing themselves, their families, and their businesses.
Date : January 14, 2025 at 2 PM CST
Virtual | All ISI Members
CONNECT is a business-relationship-building monthly event that empowers ISI members to expand their network and grow in business together. Each call features multiple 1:1 networking breakout sessions and a member business spotlight.
Date: January 28, 2025, at 2 PM CST
Virtual | All ISI Members
Life throws us many kinds of pitches, from fastballs to knuckleballs to curve balls, with all kinds of challenges. How do we prepare ourselves for the ups and downs of those pitches? Join Dr. Andy Garrett as he shares from his own experience and his years of study and refinement into a framework for an unstoppable you! He’ll help us build resilience for all of our life challenges; then, we’ll huddle up in small groups and mastermind our own action plan together.
FYI ... Your 15 day free trial gives you access to participate in the next ISI Community event! Join Now!
Date: February 11, 2025, at 2 PM CST
Virtual | All ISI Members
CONNECT is a business-relationship-building monthly event that empowers ISI members to expand their network and grow in business together. Each call features multiple 1:1 networking breakout sessions and a member business spotlight.
Date: Feb 25, 2025, at 2 PM CST
Virtual | All ISI Members
Get ready for a transformative experience! Imagine taking the timeless wisdom of Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People and reimagining it for the modern world—a world that demands authenticity, connection, and real influence.
Bob Burg will guide us on a journey beyond mere tactics and into the heart of what it means to be a true influencer today, no matter your industry or position. He’ll challenge you to rethink what influence really looks like in your life—how it can extend into every conversation, every relationship, and every decision you make.
FYI ... Your 15 day free trial gives you access to participate in the next ISI Community event! Join Now!
Date: March 11, 2025, at 2 PM CST
Virtual | All ISI Members
CONNECT is a business-relationship-building monthly event that empowers ISI members to expand their network and grow in business together. Each call features multiple 1:1 networking breakout sessions and a member business spotlight.
Date: March 25, 2025, at 2 PM CST
Virtual | All ISI Members
An Exclusive Invitation to Learn from the Authority on World-Class Customer Service!
John DiJulius, the Chief Revolution Officer of The DiJulius Group, will join us for an unforgettable session on creating exceptional customer and employee experiences. With decades of expertise, John has worked with some of the world’s most iconic brands—The Ritz-Carlton, Starbucks, Lexus, and Chick-fil-A, just to name a few—helping them transform customer service into their ultimate competitive advantage. As a best-selling author of six books and founder of one of America’s Top 20 Salons, John knows how to make your business the brand customers can’t live without.
FYI ... Your 15 day free trial gives you access to participate in the next ISI Community event! Join Now!
ISI LIVE in Nashville
Date: April 4, 5, & 6, 2025
In-Person | All ISI Members
The annual national ISI Live Event for all ISI members. 3 days of business networking, relationship building, and growing together as an ISI MAN!
We have 10 GUEST TICKETS available!
Date: April 8, 2025, at 2 PM CST
Virtual | All ISI Members
CONNECT is a business-relationship-building monthly event that empowers ISI members to expand their network and grow in business together. Each call features multiple 1:1 networking breakout sessions and a member business spotlight.
Date: May 27, 2025, at 2 PM CST
Virtual | All ISI Members
Have you ever wondered what your spending habits reveal about your true priorities? Is your financial strategy aligned with your values and mission? Are you in control of your money, or is it controlling you? How can mastering financial stewardship unlock new opportunities for growth and impact in your life and business?
Join us for a transformative virtual presentation featuring Len Hardison, a leading expert in the charitable and stewardship space. This is your chance to gain invaluable insights on mastering financial stewardship that can elevate your business and personal life to new heights.
You will not want to miss the small group meet-ups immediately following Len’s presentation. This presentation isn’t just about managing money; it’s about mastering it for a greater mission.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the best and start making your money work for you!
FYI ... Your 15 day free trial gives you access to participate in the next ISI Community event! Join Now!
"When I came to the first event I was like, holy cow, I’ve found my people. I’m not just the only crazy guy with big dreams that wants to do big things … there’s a lot of others too. At this point, these events feel like a family reunion to me. I think I’m on like my 11th event."
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of events does ISI put on?
Some events are in person and others are virtual. Some are open for registration, some are invite only, and others are private for ISI Mastermind members only. Each event will indicate which type of event it is.
Who can attend the events?
Our events are designed specifically for businessmen, owners, and entrepreneurs and professionals that are either starting up, growing up, or scaling up their businesses.
How many men attend the events?
Events range in size from 50 men on a business networking call to 8 men on a 3 day deep dive Summit retreat to hundreds of men at a weekend ISI Mastermind LIVE to 20 men on a niche topic affinity event.
What makes a View from the Top event so unique?
Many attendees have commented on how vulnerable, authentic, and transparent all the participants have been which helped them learn and grow at a much faster pace. Each guy attends to learn but also to give back with unbiased insights and observations that only help each other.
What if I have more questions?
We’ll gladly help you. Please contact us using the form below.