Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

Aaron Walker

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Are You Too Tight For Your Own Good?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 20, 2022 9:00:00 AM

Are you too tight for your own good? Let me tell you what I mean by that man. We need to be generous people! What I’m saying is this from a percentage-wise. We all can be very generous and I want to talk about specifically people that take care of you because they deserve it first and foremost. The second reason is, it's good for you. We need to show a sense of generosity. We need to be grateful for the people that are taking care of us. I know when I travel around and speak and go to conferences, if I'm going to stay somewhere like three or four nights, the first night there after they've cleaned my room, I'll write a note and say “Thank you for doing an outstanding job! You guys killed it and I want you to know how much I appreciate it!” And I'll put five ten or fifteen or twenty dollars depending on how long I’m gonna be there for. Then, my room looks like a museum the rest of the week. They're very nice! they're hospitable to me and everything that I do throughout the week any requests they honor it and they feel it. Listen a few dollars goes a long way but just to say thank you to people that take care of you is a big thing! Guys we've got to have a switch our mindset it can’t be "how little can I give”, "It is their responsibility”, 'they're getting paid”…...we can't do that and expect to have great service. So I want to encourage you today to change your mindset just a little bit show your gratefulness be a little bit generous with those people that are serving you and take care of you and you watch how things change for you long term.



Topics: Motivation, Character, Finances, Balance, Fun, Community, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Consistent, Clarity, Development, Gratitude, Burden, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Be The Light, Encouragement, Lift Someone Up, Leadership, Guide, RoadMap, Growth, Execution, Influencer, Attitude, Joy, Vision Leader, Truth, Legacy, Personality, Purpose, Value, Ideas, Journey, Connections, Freedom, Greed, Grit, Mindset, Improvement, Goals, Testimony, Smile, Differentiate, Give, Generosity

What Do You Do When Their Program Doesn’t Fit Your Plan?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 17, 2022 10:03:23 AM

As an entrepreneur for 41 years now, I have faced making difficult decision. Do you make the honorable choice the right decision even when it doesn't fit your plan? How do we expect our children to have a manner that we're proud of them if we as adults are doing these go arounds …… we're finding these loopholes in order to meet our needs? I’d like to encourage you to do the right thing! It is hard! But I want to tell you something. You’ll sleep better at night. There'll be better repercussions as a result of you making great decisions from an integrity standpoint.




Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Balance, Community, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Blueprint, Discipline, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Encourage, Encouragement, Leadership, Guide, RoadMap, Growth, Execution, Advice, Influence, fingerprint, Vision, Vision Leader, Truth, Honesty, Obstacles, Expectation, Legacy, Evaluation, Habit, Purpose, Value, Ideas, Journey, Grit, Heat, Goals, Conflict, Story, Action, Expectations, Systems, Processes, Differentiate

What Warning Signs Are You Not Paying Attention To?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 15, 2022 9:00:00 AM

You know what's happening in our lives today? There are indicator lights all around us. There are warning light going on. And more often than not, we do not attend to this warnings. We just ignore them! Like, there are some areas in our lives that we can hope all we want but until we deal with it it is not going away. I'd like to encourage you to deal with those kind of situations - there are indicator lights and I'd like you to pay attention!



Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Character, Marriage, Balance, Community, Relationships, Success, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Discipline, Clarity, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Rest, RoadMap, Growth, Advice, Influencer, Authenticity, Attitude, Mission, Joy, Truth, Obstacles, Belief, Legacy, Personality, Ego, Purpose, Value, Investment, Journey, Mindset, Heat, Focus, Improvement, Goals, Conflict, Possibilities, Story, Action, Testimony, Differentiate

There Are No Shortcuts Or Silver Bullets

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 13, 2022 9:00:00 AM

What are you facing today that you’re doing haphazardly and you’re circumventing the system? Don’t take shortcuts! You might be paying huge prices down the road.



Topics: Business, Fun, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Encouragement, Leadership, Guide, RoadMap, Growth, Center, Determination, Execution, Trusted Advisor, Advice, Authenticity, fingerprint, Vision, Truth, Experience, Belief, Evaluation, Value, Journey, Connections, Grit, Mindset, Focus, Improvement, Occupation, Goals, Possibilities, Expectations, Processes, Differentiate, Celebration

Patience Is A Virtue, However, It’s Also Required For Success

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 10, 2022 9:00:00 AM

There is no silver bullet to success. It takes time. It takes patience. You have to invest in people, in relationships before you can even expect for anything in return.



Topics: Business, Character, Balance, Fun, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Crossroads, Wisdom, Encouragement, Happy, Leadership, Guide, RoadMap, Growth, Determination, Authenticity, fingerprint, Attitude, Mission, Truth, Obstacles, Experience, Legacy, Evaluation, Patience, Value, Ambition, Investment, Audience, Journey, Connections, Grit, Mindset, Heat, Goals, Expectations, Processes


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