Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

Aaron Walker

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Learn To Ask Better Questions

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 8, 2022 10:13:53 AM

I just want you today to think through learn to ask better questions. We always want to be people of integrity it's always difficult sometimes especially when you're ox is in the ditch when you're the one that's gonna maybe suffer the consequences as a result of what you share and what you tell.

Let me just encourage you a little bit in your business. Be savvy and don't be just blind to the the things that matters at hand and I just want you to ask better questions - “Is there anything else that could impact my decision?” I want to encourage you as a dad, as a husband, as a small business owner, don't leave out important information that could radically impact the lives of other people. You might say, “Well they didn't ask that question and so I didn't tell. Well, I don't know how you feel about that but personally the way I feel about that is the lack of information, an important decision, is the same as telling a lie because it's going to radically impact the way I might vote or the way I might respond or behave to a particular circumstance or situation.



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How To Take Care Of Yourself

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 6, 2022 9:00:00 AM

I kept thinking about something this morning that I think is very important. Let’s practice to find balance with our time with ourselves and with our family. I’d like to encourage you guys to sit down with your spouse and talk about things that you’d like to do alone/personally - to take care of yourself. I’d like to encourage you as well not to be selfish and spend so much time with yourself and forget to give some time to your spouse, to your family. I think that when we take so much time with ourselves at the expense of our families we are really jeopardizing our relationships and the things that matter most. So, there is a happy balance, there is a place that you can get to that you can take care of your family and take care of yourself.



Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Character, Masterminds, Balance, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Commitment, Consistent, Blueprint, Discipline, Clarity, Reputation, Development, Burden, Decisions, Crossroads, Encouragement, Rest, Guide, RoadMap, Growth, Determination, Execution, Advice, Authenticity, fingerprint, Vision, Mission, Joy, Truth, Obstacles, Expectation, Belief, Legacy, Evaluation, Personality, Purpose, Value, Investment, Journey, Grit, Focus, Improvement, Goals, Action, Expectations, Testimony

Where Do You Do your Critical Thinking?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 3, 2022 10:05:12 AM

I wanted to encourage you guys to do some things a little bit differently and I thought I would just share with you what I do. What I do is that I come over to this place, a park near Old Hickory Lake, periodically and there's these benches that are around the lake and sit and think and get away from the computer, get away from the phone and I write. I make notes. I just come over here kind of relax meditate for a little while and just think how am I going to accomplish a certain task that I'm setting out to do. So maybe it's crazy. Maybe you do all your thinking at the office but for me going to these parks the greenways hanging out looking at nature just thinking. But I’d like to ask you guys, where do you go to do your critical thinking?



Topics: Character, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Burden, Wisdom, Encouragement, Leadership, Guide, RoadMap, Growth, Determination, Execution, Advice, Authenticity, fingerprint, Attitude, Vision, Mission, Joy, Vision Leader, Schedule, Experience, Legacy, Evaluation, Habit, Purpose, Investment, Journey, Grit, Mindset, Focus, Improvement, Occupation, Goals, Conflict, Story, Action, Systems, Differentiate

You Don’t Need All The Answers To Get Started

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 1, 2022 9:00:00 AM

You don't have to know every single answer to get started. A Lot of you guys ask me all the time, “Big A! Tell me about your master play and tell me about all the things that you're accomplishing and how its laid out for you and how you had it playing?” And I'm like slow down a minute, man. Take a breath. I didn't have any of this stuff playing five years ago! When I started View From The Top. Many of you say, “Hey, I don't have the big picture. I can't see it and so therefore I'm not going to get started.” Listen, you're not going to know what it's gonna look like in its entirety. You just need to start. You need to get out of the gate! You need to launch! You need to go for it and then pivot and turn and you will figure it out as you go. Now, don't be reckless. Don’t get out there and do something crazy. Don’t do something with no plan whatsoever. In whatever it is that you're trying I just want to give you the courage today to launch! Just to get out there and then pivot and turn make the the adjustments that you need to in order to be successful. The scary part though is getting out of the gate. You’re like, “Oh man, I can't do this unless I have every “T" crossed and every I dotted.” I just want to tell you that's not true. You can figure this out as you go. Get trusted advisors around you. Get people that are smarter than you are. When you have the Council of the wisdom of the multitudes the people around you that meet with you on a regular basis that can guide you direct you, you too can launch.



Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Character, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Listen, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Encouragement, Risks, Leadership, Guide, RoadMap, Growth, Determination, Execution, Advice, fingerprint, Attitude, Vision, Mission, Procrastination, Truth, Obstacles, Belief, Expectancy, Evaluation, Purpose, Now, Ambition, Journey, Grit, Heat, Pressure, Focus, VALUES, Goals, Possibilities, Story, Action, Expectations, Processes

What Is Your Secret Weapon?

Posted by Aaron Walker on May 27, 2022 8:01:54 AM

We're reading that book John Gottman's book, Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work, and, I want to tell you, that book is absolutely outstanding. At first I didn’t want to read but in chapter 2, John Gottman asked a question that I never really thought about. He said, “What is your secret weapon for defusing arguments?” I started thinking about that a little bit. I want to ask you today. Do you take things too serious? I mean probably, you are arguing about some dumb stuff in your relationship. We've got to do things to defuse these situations. I’d like to ask you again, what is your secret weapon? What is that thing that you're using to defuse some of those arguments or bad situations or disagreements that you're having? So just think about it. I don't know what it is for you? Whatever it is though I would encourage you to defuse it faster than not. Figure out what that thing is that you can do to defuse those bad situations.



Topics: Accountability, Character, Marriage, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Move Forward, Clarity, Development, Wife, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Encourage, Encouragement, Be An Encouragement, Leadership, Father, RoadMap, Communication, Perseverance, Execution, Advice, fingerprint, Vision, Joy, Truth, Honesty, Evaluation, Personality, Purpose, Value, Investment, Journey, Connections, Grit, Heat, Improvement, Goals, Conflict, Possibilities, Story, Expectations, Systems, Processes, Affirmation


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