Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

How To Be A Podcast Guest, Step By Step

Posted by Aaron Walker on Feb 7, 2017 6:00:00 AM

Three and half years ago, I didn't even know what podcasting is. Little did I know that it will be 95% of my marketing strategy. Let me share with you steps that have worked for me since I started.

1. Get clear what your story is, your product or services. If you're not crystal clear, you can't share it to the world.

2. Create a pitch sheet. Sit down and write your bio, the services/products you offer. Do bullet points not a long biography that busy people won't read. Be succinct, clear and get to the point in what you can do and offer and put your contact info.

3. If you do get in a show, give something out. Create a lead magnet. Do something that you can give out. Create a landing page where they can enter their email addresses and names in exchange of the documents you are giving away for free and then you can also tell them about your other offers. Now you're building your list.

4. Promote the podcast in different social media and link back!

It may sound difficult and it is indeed a lot of work but hey, it's evergreen! It's free! It gives you exposure in social media and it gives you SEO value from the show notes. So why would you not want to do that?

You still have questions? I can help you! Send me an email at aaron@viewfromthetop.com.

You say you dont have time? Let Interview Valet do it for you! You know my friend and COO of View From The Top, Tom Schwab. He runs Interview Valet and he'd love to help you out too! Contact him at tom@interviewvalet.com.

Don't think you can't do it. I can help. If you think you need help, let me or Tom know!

Topics: Career, Tips


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