Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

How To Get Your Wayward Children Back

Posted by Aaron Walker on May 19, 2017 6:29:00 AM

Some of you guys, my heart goes out for you today because you're dealing with children that you have a broken relationship with. You don't have any ties, any connections.

Here's what I want you to do today. Reach out to those kids today with maybe a word of encouragement, maybe a hug on them, love on them. Tell them that you love them.

I am not saying condone what they've done. We have a lot of kids out there that are knuckleheads that have done the wrong thing. They've made bad decisions. But let me remind you of something. You made some bad decisions yourself as a child, as a teenager, as a young adult.

Don't hold them to a standard that you're not willing to adhere to yourself when you were a younger kid. Let's show some grace. Be the bigger person. What I am saying is there is nothing that they would do that would separate my love and willingness to go out and pursue them. Maybe you need to say "Hey I don't agree with what you're doing but I want you to know that I will spend my last quarter helping you if you're willing to change."

Don't love your passbook more than you do your kid. You got to love them back to you not beat them into submission.

Topics: Family


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