Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

It’s more important who you are partnering with than what you’re doing

Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 10, 2019 10:00:00 AM

Have you ever noticed in pro sports or even college sports people how they win all the time? Do you know why they win all the time? They know how to recruit. They're the best recruiters on the planet. Those guys know how to pick the team. Why do we think it's any differently in our businesses? We go out and we get the cheapest person. You're like, "Hey, come on you're $12 an hour, we'll take you. You're $8 an hour. You're $20 an hour. You're $50 an hour." Whatever it is that you think is cheap, for whatever that you're having them to do, you pick that person rather than their passion, rather than their heart. You need to pick the right person. You need to go after the talent. The ones that have heart.




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