Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

It’s More Important Who You Are Partnering With Than What You’re Doing

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 14, 2019 10:23:44 AM

Have you ever noticed in pro sports or even college sports people how they win all the time? Do you know why they win all the time? They know how to recruit. They're the best recruiters on the planet. Those guys know how to pick the team. Why do we think it's any differently in our businesses? We go out and we get the cheapest person. You're like, "Hey, come on you're $12 an hour, we'll take you. You're $8 an hour. You're $20 an hour. You're $50 an hour."

Whatever it is that you think is cheap, for whatever that you're having them to do, you pick that person rather than their passion, rather than their heart. You need to pick the right person. You need to go after the talent. The ones that have heart.


Topics: Business, Life Coaching, Accountability, Business Coaching, Career, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Development

Where Should I Invest My Money?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 11, 2019 9:00:00 AM

There's not a better place in the world to invest your money than in yourself! Without a question! Take time in investing in yourself. Before you know it, opportunities will suddenly open up. You get to experience a new adventure!



Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Coaching, Marriage, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Balance, Career, Fun, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development, Read

The Day I Lost A $1 M Profit Over Greed

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 2, 2019 9:00:00 AM


The day I lost a $1,000,000 profit over greed I learned a valuable lesson: Everybody got to win! You can't always swing for the fence every single time.


Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Family, Career, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Reputation, Development, Self Development

Do you ever feel overwhelmed

Posted by Aaron Walker on Sep 30, 2019 9:00:00 AM

Hey! Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Man! I cannot tell you how many times in the course of my career. And even in my marriage, raising children, doing business that I felt a sense of being overwhelmed. When you feel overwhelmed, let me tell you what not to do - this is what I did as a young businessman and as a young husband/father - I did not tell anybody. I was like, "Hey, I will get this figured out on my own". Man, that is the worst advice anybody could ever take as he is trying to figure out something on your own.


Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Character, Career, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development

I’m Working To Many Hours And I’m Afraid

Posted by Aaron Walker on Sep 27, 2019 9:00:00 AM

Redlining! More often than not and unknowingly, you do this. Some of you guys are redlining your life. You are working more hours than you should.

And I'd like to warn you from that because that is not gonna work out well for you long term. Your health is going to suffer as a result of it.

Your relationship is going to suffer as a result of it. Your finances is going to suffer as a result of it because we are not designed to redline all the time.


Topics: Life Coaching, Accountability, Character, Marriage, Masterminds, Family, Balance, Career, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Parenting, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Reputation, Development, Self Development


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