Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

Where You Spend Your Time Reveals What’s Important To You

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 5, 2019 9:00:00 AM

I have just discovered over the past couple of months that there's one area that we have not fully covered in our mastermind group - we are about to spend 2 months diving deep into. John Gottman wrote a great book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country's Foremost Relationship Expert. Our Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind group is going to spend June and July 2019 breaking down that book and understand the principles in it that can make our marriage great.

Guys, I'd like to tell you right now. Where things breaking down often times is at home. I'd like to ask you for a second. Where's your marriage at? Like to encourage you to think about your relationships today.

Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Coaching, Character, Marriage, Family, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity

I'm Searching For Clarity And Can't Find It

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 3, 2019 9:00:00 AM

It is not clarity you are looking for. It is safety and security. There is no assurance out there. There's no sure deals out there at all.



Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Coaching, Character, Family, Balance, Relationships, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity

If It Truly Is Important You Will Find Away

Posted by Aaron Walker on May 31, 2019 9:00:00 AM

I want to tell you something. I hear guys every single day because I coach, talk about the things that they do for six weeks or 90 days and it's not working and they abandoned. I met an an old lady the other day in the YMCA. As I observe her, she kept going back and forth. I don't know how old she was and I waited until she got finished and then I went up to her and I said, "Man! You are so inspirational to me and I want to talk to you for a minute?" She said, "I can't hear you that well, speak up." So started speaking up to her and she was just a sweetest old lady I've ever seen in my life and I said, "How long have you been exercising?" She said, "I exercise six days a week." I said, "Man, that is amazing you've been doing that very long as she says every day for 17 years. It was so inspirational to me since she said that and I said, Man, I hope when I'm your age I'm able to do the same thing!" She said, "You don't want to know how old I am." I said, "Would you tell me", and she said, "I'm 87". This lady does her exercise every single day except Sunday. I thought, that's discipline! Where are we missing it in regards to our business career not implementing some strategies like the senior adult lady does at 87 years old. Six days a week she goes to the YMCA and works out! I'll tell you looking at her I think she's a better shape than I am and the reason is because she's disciplined! We can't let things get in the way. We can't let obstacles get in the way. I want to encourage you guys to be disciplined. If it's important, you'll do it!

Topics: Business, Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Coaching, Character, Business Coaching, Family, Balance, Career, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity

Expect Nothing From Anyone And You Will Never Be Disappointed.

Posted by Aaron Walker on May 29, 2019 9:00:00 AM

Is it even possible to expect nothing from others just to get not disappointed? But I do want to tell you this. It has played out well in life over the years. We really have unmet expectations that causes huge disappointments in our lives. "Expect nothing from anyone and you will never be disappointed" is thru. You know why? We do not know people's situation. Even family members. We really do not know the road that they are going thru. We do not know the whole story. We do not know their history. We do not know the whole perspective.

What we should do is be focusing on what we are responsible of doing - the things that we should be doing.




Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Coaching, Character, Masterminds, Family, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity

What Is Your Character Worth?

Posted by Aaron Walker on May 22, 2019 9:00:00 AM

I'd like to encourage you today when you're doing deals, think through what the real cost is.  Not only as it relates to the financial loss but what it could pertain to as it relates to your reputation.  We are people of character.  We have integrity and we need to stick to our word regardless of the financial outcome.  When you're faced with dilemmas think about what your character is worth and go forward and make the right decision. 


Topics: Business, Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Coaching, Character, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Career, Community, Relationships, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity


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