Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

Is It OK As Long As You Don't Get Caught?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Apr 23, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Do you have a $3 worth of character and integrity? Can you open your books today to show your wife, children and grandchildren and tell them, "this is how I do my business”?

We’re called to be holy. That’s what God calls us to be. And oftentimes we can confuse those things when it’s costing us money. I wonder what God could really do in our lives if we were holy, if we’re really men of integrity, if we really had the character that we portray to our colleagues and our family. He could open the floodgates and He could do things that are immeasurable compared to what you’re trying to do on the side or on the sly.

Take a personal evaluation and do better, today.


Topics: Accountability, Character, Finances, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Commitment, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Reputation, Decisions, Be The Light, Encouragement, Leadership, Guide, BlackandWhite, fingerprint, Truth, Honesty, Expectation, Legacy, Personality, Purpose, Journey

How Is The Journey?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Apr 19, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Life is about the journey. It’s not just about the pentacle. It's not just the summit, whatever that is for you. We're not spending the time, the effort and the energy with our families. Quit worrying about how long it takes you to get there. It’s called living life! It’s not all about the speed. It’s all about the relationships! Enjoy the journey!

If you scale on relationships as much as we’re trying to scale our business, you have more money than you know!


Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Balance, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Wife, Crossroads, Leadership, Father, Guide, Advice, Influence, Mission, Joy, Legacy, Patience, Journey

Does Your Interest Exceed Your Commitment?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Apr 14, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Does your interest level outweigh or exceed your level of commitment? Man, it’s a hot topic that we're discussing in Iron Sharpens Iron each and every week. And I want to discuss it with you guys.

We talk to some organizations where the interest level is huge but there's very little commitment. And I started asking myself some questions. Why? Why is that they don't have people around them to help propel them to the next level? They're not there to encourage them. There's no accountability. The list goes on and on and on. But what I'm finding out is when people surround themselves with people that are interested, of like minds, have the same core values, have the same principles in mind as they do, they catapults them to the next level.

Let me ask you. I know you're interested but how committed are you? Are you willing to take the time and certain energy and the resources and put into it each and every day in order to obtain your goals? Or is your interest level just at a point where you'd like to have it but you're not willing to put the work in to get it?


Topics: Business, Motivation, Accountability, Success, Significance, Priorities, Commitment, Consistent, Discipline, Clarity, Crossroads, Encouragement, RoadMap, Determination, Authenticity, Obstacles, Personality, Patience

Are You Too Tight For Your Own Good?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Apr 12, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Some of you are tightwads! You are too tight for your own good. You can not save your way in to wealth and prosperity. You can’t increase revenue or sales if you are stepping over dollars picking up dimes! You have to be willing to spend money to take you to places you want to go! We have to prioritize our priorities. You got to have the tools you need to go to the next level!


Topics: Business, Accountability, Finances, Balance, Success, Significance, Priorities, Commitment, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Guide, Vision, Mission, Expectation, Evaluation, Purpose, Ambition, Investment

How To Increase Your Ambition

Posted by Aaron Walker on Apr 9, 2021 9:15:00 AM

Sometimes I get more ambition than I should have and I wrestled with it. Sometimes I get over ambitious and I get disappointed when results don’t coincide with my ambition. Oftentimes when your ambition is tied to a financial goal it doesn't really scratch the itch. I want to encourage you today to embrace the tension. It is what keeps us safe. If there is no tension in your life, something is going array. Enjoy where you are presently at. Learn to be content but don’t confuse that with complacency. I recommend you get and read Seth Buechley’s book Ambition: Leading with Gratitude and hopefully it will help you have more ambition or learn to be content with your ambitiousness.


Topics: Motivation, Fun, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Preparation, Clarity, Development, Self Development, Encourage, Encouragement, Guide, Determination, Advice, Vision, Vision Driven Leader, Habit, Purpose, Ambition


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