Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

Stay At Home Moms Should Be Honored Not Taken Advantage Of

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 15, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Stay At Home Moms, got a soft spot in my heart.

Oftentimes they are ignored and unappreciated but they only want..

1. to be seen

2. to be heard

3. to be encouraged

4. to be supported with all their decisions

5. to be loved!

It's tough being a mom!

So stand up and be the man that you should be! Love your wife! Stay-at-Home Moms my hats off to you! Keep doing what you're doing! And guys, do your share!


Topics: Accountability, Marriage, Balance, Relationships, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Clarity, Wife, Gratitude, Decisions, Leadership, Father Figure, Guide, Advice

You Will Never Be An Effective Influencer If You Are A Chameleon. How Do I Know Who I'm Speaking With?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 11, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Are you a chameleon? Do you change your color based on your surroundings because you want to be liked by your peers, the people around you? Would you rather agree with the majority even if it's not the right thing to do? Or are you a thought leader who's not afraid to stand alone? I was told before, always be willing to stand alone if you are convicted that you're making the right decision. I don't like chameleons! I don't like people who stick their finger in the air first before making a decision.


Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Character, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Commitment, Blueprint, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Reputation, Burden, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Encouragement, Leadership, Advice, Authenticity, Honesty, Personality

Do You Have This One Ingredient?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 8, 2021 9:00:00 AM

We all have goals or at least things we want to have or do.

But do you have this one ingredient so you can get where you want to be and be successful in life?

Let me tell you what it is.


Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Character, Masterminds, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Blueprint, Preparation, Development, Crossroads, Encouragement, Guide, Determination, Perseverance, Advice, Expectation

What Can I Do To Get Out Of This Rut?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 30, 2020 9:00:00 AM

Financially and geographically speaking, if there is no restriction, what would you do tomorrow morning? Quickly answer this question, if you can't there's a problem!



Topics: Accountability, Character, Finances, Balance, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Encouragement, Be Happy, Guide, RoadMap, Determination, Advice, Vision, Obstacles, Experience

How To Be A Servant Leader In Your Family

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 28, 2020 9:00:00 AM

Leadership is a topic that is usually discussed in a business or work context, but today I want to talk to you about leadership within the family. Let me share my thoughts with you on how you can be a ‘Servant Leader’ in your family. The word ‘Servant Leadership’ makes some of us uncomfortable because it sounds like we are being asked to act as a doormat for other people or as if we are being asked to play the role of ‘the nice guy’, who is weak and taken advantage of by everyone.

But that is far from the truth. Servant leadership is about being a real man. It is one of the most powerful forms of leadership where you serve your family with unconditional love, going the last mile for your wife, exercising authority with compassion, putting your family’s needs ahead of yours, taking leadership decisions without thinking about your own agenda, doing the right things that need to be done and leading your family to a good place.


Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Coaching, Character, Marriage, Family, Balance, Relationships, Success, Priorities, Tips, Parenting, Commitment, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development, Decisions, Crossroads, Encourage, Encouragement, Father, Father Figure, Influence, Legacy


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