Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

Do You Believe In Your Abilities?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 15, 2022 9:00:00 AM

If you're not gonna believe in yourself and you don't believe you can do it like why should I or people believe in you and why should I believe that you can do it.

But I want to encourage you today to think through what it is that you're doing professionally. Do you have that level of confidence? Start believing in yourself because if you don't believe in you it's gonna be hard to convince others to believe in you as well.



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It’s OK Occasionally For Your Children To Be Disappointed

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 6, 2022 9:00:00 AM

It's okay sometimes for your kids to be disappointed. I’m talking about this morning is that when the kids get older and they get out there's gonna be an an area of disappointment that they're going to experience and if they don't experience some level of disappointment today they're not going to be able handle it as adults.

I just want to tell you parents don't beat yourself up today. If there's things that you can't do for your kids and I really see this a lot in in guys that our coach today that have done very very well financially and they think well because I've done well financially I've got to give my kid everything that they want. That is not true! I can just tell you right now that is not true! I want you to give your kids the things that you think that they need and things that they don't need, don't give it to them. I don't care how much money you've got because you're not doing yourself or the kid any favor whatsoever and giving them everything that they want, that's just not reality. That's not what life is going to do for them long term. If you don't teach them to deal with disappointment today, they won't be able to deal with
disappointment as an adult.



Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Family, Balance, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Move Forward, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Burden, Decisions, Crossroads, Encouragement, Lift Someone Up, Discouragement, Leadership, Father, RoadMap, Communication, Growth, Determination, Execution, fingerprint, Attitude, Vision, Mission, Joy, Truth, Schedule, Obstacles, Belief, Legacy, Purpose, Value, Journey, Complaint, Freedom, Grit, Heat, Focus, Improvement, Goals, Trust, Possibilities, Story, Expectations, Processes, Differentiate

It’s OK Occasionally For Your Children To Be Disappointed

Posted by Aaron Walker and the VFTT Team on Jul 1, 2022 9:00:00 AM

It's okay sometimes for your kids to be disappointed. I’m talking about this morning is that when the kids get older and they get out there's gonna be an an area of disappointment that they're going to experience and if they don't experience some level of disappointment today they're not going to be able handle it as adults.

I just want to tell you parents don't beat yourself up today. If there's things that you can't do for your kids and I really see this a lot in in guys that our coach today that have done very very well financially and they think well because I've done well financially I've got to give my kid everything that they want. That is not true! I can just tell you right now that is not true! I want you to give your kids the things that you think that they need and things that they don't need, don't give it to them. I don't care how much money you've got because you're not doing yourself or the kid any favor whatsoever and giving them everything that they want, that's just not reality. That's not what life is going to do for them long term. If you don't teach them to deal with disappointment today, they won't be able to deal with
disappointment as an adult.



Topics: Family, Relationships, Success, Priorities, Tips, Parenting, Commitment, Move Forward, Discipline, Development, Gratitude, Listen, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Encouragement, Be An Encouragement, Leadership, Father, Father Figure, Guide, RoadMap, Communication, Growth, Execution, Advice, Influence, fingerprint, Strategy, Mission, Obstacles, Expectation, Evaluation, Patience, Purpose, Value, Investment, Journey, VALUES, Improvement, Goals, Trust, Possibilities, Action, Empathy, Expectations, Processes, Differentiate

What Is Your Secret Weapon?

Posted by Aaron Walker on May 27, 2022 8:01:54 AM

We're reading that book John Gottman's book, Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work, and, I want to tell you, that book is absolutely outstanding. At first I didn’t want to read but in chapter 2, John Gottman asked a question that I never really thought about. He said, “What is your secret weapon for defusing arguments?” I started thinking about that a little bit. I want to ask you today. Do you take things too serious? I mean probably, you are arguing about some dumb stuff in your relationship. We've got to do things to defuse these situations. I’d like to ask you again, what is your secret weapon? What is that thing that you're using to defuse some of those arguments or bad situations or disagreements that you're having? So just think about it. I don't know what it is for you? Whatever it is though I would encourage you to defuse it faster than not. Figure out what that thing is that you can do to defuse those bad situations.



Topics: Accountability, Character, Marriage, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Move Forward, Clarity, Development, Wife, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Encourage, Encouragement, Be An Encouragement, Leadership, Father, RoadMap, Communication, Perseverance, Execution, Advice, fingerprint, Vision, Joy, Truth, Honesty, Evaluation, Personality, Purpose, Value, Investment, Journey, Connections, Grit, Heat, Improvement, Goals, Conflict, Possibilities, Story, Expectations, Systems, Processes, Affirmation

Today Is That Day That Yesterday You Were Planning For

Posted by Aaron Walker on May 25, 2022 9:00:00 AM

Let tell you what I mean on this video's title. I am not going to teach you any tricks, tips, hacks or anything today. I just like you to enjoy today. I have read a book some years ago and I did not agree with everything that book said but it's titled "Enjoy The Now". And I think often times we tend to do just that. I know, often times I've been guilty of planning for the future. I am only thinking about retirement. If things get better, I am going to do this and that. But you know, if I think back, ten or fifteen years ago, today is that day that I was planning for! You know, we were not promised tomorrow. Right, we were not promised for anything but today. Simply take a moment today and think, "Am I investing on the right things? Am I spending time with my family, significant other? Am I really enjoying my time with my peers? This is the day! If you choose to, we can enjoy today!



Topics: Motivation, Character, Family, Balance, Fun, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Blueprint, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Reputation, Development, Self Development, Gratitude, Decisions, Wisdom, Be The Light, Encouragement, Guide, Communication, Growth, Determination, Execution, Advice, Influence, Authenticity, fingerprint, Attitude, Vision, Mission, Joy, Procrastination, Truth, Schedule, Evaluation, Personality, Habit, Purpose, Now, Value, Ambition, Audience, Journey, Freedom, Mindset, Focus, Improvement, Goals, Possibilities, Story, Action, Expectations, Systems, Differentiate, Celebration


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