Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

How To Increase Your Ambition

Posted by Aaron Walker on Apr 9, 2021 9:15:00 AM

Sometimes I get more ambition than I should have and I wrestled with it. Sometimes I get over ambitious and I get disappointed when results don’t coincide with my ambition. Oftentimes when your ambition is tied to a financial goal it doesn't really scratch the itch. I want to encourage you today to embrace the tension. It is what keeps us safe. If there is no tension in your life, something is going array. Enjoy where you are presently at. Learn to be content but don’t confuse that with complacency. I recommend you get and read Seth Buechley’s book Ambition: Leading with Gratitude and hopefully it will help you have more ambition or learn to be content with your ambitiousness.


Topics: Motivation, Fun, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Preparation, Clarity, Development, Self Development, Encourage, Encouragement, Guide, Determination, Advice, Vision, Vision Driven Leader, Habit, Purpose, Ambition

Is Your Home A Safe Place?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Apr 7, 2021 9:00:00 AM

How are you as a father? How do you interact with your kids? Are you verbally abusive? How do you instill discipline in your home? I want you to really think through the way you discipline your kids. The environment that you're creating at home, like are they excited when you get home? Are they like looking forward to it or they like run and jump up in your arms or they like run into the room and hiding or they're coward and down and they don't want anything to do with you because dad's in a bad mood?


Topics: Accountability, Character, Marriage, Family, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Parenting, Commitment, Clarity, Burden, Encourage, Encouragement, Father, Father Figure, Guide, Advice, Joy, Legacy

Where You Stare You Steer

Posted by Aaron Walker on Apr 5, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Today, what is it that you’re staring at? Where is it you’re steering? What is it that you’re going after?
Stare at the right things, today!

Topics: Masterminds, Career, Success, Significance, Priorities, Blueprint, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Decisions, Encouragement, Guide, RoadMap, Determination, Execution, Vision, Purpose

The Obstacle Is The Way

Posted by Aaron Walker on Apr 2, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Hey guys! What is getting in your way today from your success? What is it that's holding you back this morning? Is it resources? Is it people? Is it incentive? Is it drive? Is it fear? What is holding you back from being successful at what you're trying to accomplish? We've got to look at an obstacle from a different perspective. Like, I had a guy recently call me. He had a business idea and it was amazing and he said, "I only got one problem." He said, "I don't have any money." I said, "Well let's talk through that. So we did. He came back a few weeks later and he said, "'ve got a guy that's willing to give me the money but he wants 40% of the deal. I'm not going to do that!" I said, "So you'd rather have a 100% of nothing than a 60% of something?" And he "Well, you got a good point." We need to be thinking outside the box, persistent, committed, and consistent. Obstacle is the way sometimes.


Topics: Motivation, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Move Forward, Clarity, Self Development, Burden, Decisions, Crossroads, Encouragement, Leadership, Guide, Determination, Obstacles, Expectation, Patience, Purpose

How To Keep The Main Thing The Main Thing

Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 31, 2021 9:00:00 AM

I want to talk to you about how to keep the main thing the main thing. And I am talking about our relationship with our spouse, our marriage. The number one thing that we've done in our marriage to keep it successful is keeping Christ at the center. Our relentless pursuit of Christ I think has helped us more than anything in our relationship.


Topics: Balance, Relationships, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Wife, Decisions, Encouragement, Father, Guide, Communication, Determination, Advice, Joy


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