I am never without an investment on Real Estate since I became a business man. Today, I would just like to share some things I think will help in your Real Estate journey!
Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 4, 2018 6:00:00 AM
I am never without an investment on Real Estate since I became a business man. Today, I would just like to share some things I think will help in your Real Estate journey!
Topics: Business, Business Coaching, Finances, Priorities
I have a tough thing for you to do that I'm about to challenge you with.
But I want to encourage each and everyone of you to just try this. Bear in mind for you newcomers I've got 38 years of experience in business and I've been an entrepreneur since I was 18 years old. So I am going to give you a task to do and just trust me on it. I promise you it will pay big dividends.
When you have a mindset of scarcity, that's exactly what you get. But when you have an abundance mindset, I am telling you it changes your whole world! And I want to encourage you guys today to go out there and help people. Give them the connections, the introductions, walk alongside them.
Topics: Coaching, Character, Business Coaching, Finances, Fun
How long have you been married to your spouse? Do you have separate bank accounts? Or do you have joint accounts? Do you get into arguments because of money? Do you not wish for your spouse to know about how or where you spend your money at? Robin and I have been together for 36 years. I want to share with you what works for us because it might just work for you, too.
Topics: Family, Finances, Relationships
Do you need financial help? Are you spending more than your means? Do you feel you have to keep up with friends to impress them? Let me tell you what my friend decided on to get where he is right now and I want to encourage you to do the same and say "I'm going to delay gratification because my family is worth it!"
Topics: Life Coaching, Finances