Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

It’s OK Occasionally For Your Children To Be Disappointed

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 6, 2022 9:00:00 AM

It's okay sometimes for your kids to be disappointed. I’m talking about this morning is that when the kids get older and they get out there's gonna be an an area of disappointment that they're going to experience and if they don't experience some level of disappointment today they're not going to be able handle it as adults.

I just want to tell you parents don't beat yourself up today. If there's things that you can't do for your kids and I really see this a lot in in guys that our coach today that have done very very well financially and they think well because I've done well financially I've got to give my kid everything that they want. That is not true! I can just tell you right now that is not true! I want you to give your kids the things that you think that they need and things that they don't need, don't give it to them. I don't care how much money you've got because you're not doing yourself or the kid any favor whatsoever and giving them everything that they want, that's just not reality. That's not what life is going to do for them long term. If you don't teach them to deal with disappointment today, they won't be able to deal with
disappointment as an adult.



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Are You Too Tight For Your Own Good?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 20, 2022 9:00:00 AM

Are you too tight for your own good? Let me tell you what I mean by that man. We need to be generous people! What I’m saying is this from a percentage-wise. We all can be very generous and I want to talk about specifically people that take care of you because they deserve it first and foremost. The second reason is, it's good for you. We need to show a sense of generosity. We need to be grateful for the people that are taking care of us. I know when I travel around and speak and go to conferences, if I'm going to stay somewhere like three or four nights, the first night there after they've cleaned my room, I'll write a note and say “Thank you for doing an outstanding job! You guys killed it and I want you to know how much I appreciate it!” And I'll put five ten or fifteen or twenty dollars depending on how long I’m gonna be there for. Then, my room looks like a museum the rest of the week. They're very nice! they're hospitable to me and everything that I do throughout the week any requests they honor it and they feel it. Listen a few dollars goes a long way but just to say thank you to people that take care of you is a big thing! Guys we've got to have a switch our mindset it can’t be "how little can I give”, "It is their responsibility”, 'they're getting paid”…...we can't do that and expect to have great service. So I want to encourage you today to change your mindset just a little bit show your gratefulness be a little bit generous with those people that are serving you and take care of you and you watch how things change for you long term.



Topics: Motivation, Character, Finances, Balance, Fun, Community, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Consistent, Clarity, Development, Gratitude, Burden, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Be The Light, Encouragement, Lift Someone Up, Leadership, Guide, RoadMap, Growth, Execution, Influencer, Attitude, Joy, Vision Leader, Truth, Legacy, Personality, Purpose, Value, Ideas, Journey, Connections, Freedom, Greed, Grit, Mindset, Improvement, Goals, Testimony, Smile, Differentiate, Give, Generosity

Learn To Ask Better Questions

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 8, 2022 10:13:53 AM

I just want you today to think through learn to ask better questions. We always want to be people of integrity it's always difficult sometimes especially when you're ox is in the ditch when you're the one that's gonna maybe suffer the consequences as a result of what you share and what you tell.

Let me just encourage you a little bit in your business. Be savvy and don't be just blind to the the things that matters at hand and I just want you to ask better questions - “Is there anything else that could impact my decision?” I want to encourage you as a dad, as a husband, as a small business owner, don't leave out important information that could radically impact the lives of other people. You might say, “Well they didn't ask that question and so I didn't tell. Well, I don't know how you feel about that but personally the way I feel about that is the lack of information, an important decision, is the same as telling a lie because it's going to radically impact the way I might vote or the way I might respond or behave to a particular circumstance or situation.



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What A Privilege It Is To Serve

Posted by Aaron Walker on Apr 8, 2022 9:00:00 AM

I wanted to encourage you guys to do is to serve. Either in your local church or in your community. Don't spend all your time working and trying to make money. Listen, we're gonna be remembered for that legacy and it's not for how much you've got but it's how much you give away. Take the time out and serve locally. Serve the people that are around you and I promise you the dividends will be huge. If you're feeling that tug to go and serve at your local church, don't be, you know, just a taker, be somebody that give. So use your skills. Use your talents and see what can happen as a result of it.



Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Character, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Blueprint, Clarity, Gratitude, Burden, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Be The Light, Encourage, Encouragement, Lift Someone Up, Be An Encouragement, Leadership, Guide, RoadMap, Execution, Advice, Influence, Influencer, Authenticity, fingerprint, Attitude, Vision, Mission, Joy, Vision Leader, Truth, Evaluation, Ego, Purpose, Value, Ideas, Investment, Journey, Compliment, Connections, Grit, VALUES, Improvement, Goals, Possibilities, Story, Action, Compassion, Empathy, Smile

How To Be A Connector

Posted by Aaron Walker on Apr 6, 2022 9:00:00 AM

I cannot emphasize this enough but it is so important to be the "connector". I have come to learn this years and years ago, probably decades ago now, that it has paid the most dividends in my professional career as well as personally ..... how to be a connector. To be a connector, you simply connect people that need to know each other on a daily basis. I mean, literally, on a daily basis. Such practice or habit has its value/importance. It is so important to get an introduction to the other person or vice-versa. It cuts to about 90% of the bureaucracy, the red tape, if you will, by introducing someone to somebody because they assume that they have already been vetted - they know that they are a good person.



Topics: Motivation, Character, Masterminds, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Blueprint, Reputation, Development, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Be The Light, Encourage, Encouragement, Lift Someone Up, Be An Encouragement, Leadership, Guide, RoadMap, Growth, Execution, Trusted Advisor, Influence, Influencer, Network, Authenticity, fingerprint, Strategy, Vision, Mission, Joy, Truth, Servant, Experience, Legacy, Purpose, Value, Journey, Connections, Grit, Mindset, Improvement, Credibility, Goals, Trust, Possibilities, Action, Systems, Processes

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