You can make all the money you want, you can be as successful as you want, you can impress everybody, you can own whatever but if your family is not right, it's all useless. That is why I talk about the family about 75% more times than I do business.
Robin has a sign that sits on her nightstand and it says "always kiss me goodnight." So for 37 years now, almost every day, every year of our marriage, about 99 and half percent of the time we always practice this.
The Bible teaches us not to go to bed at night letting the anger stay with you. You got to deal with it.
Guys I want you to honor your wife. Ladies, do the same to your husband.
Honor that covenant because it will pay huge dividends in the future. Our families are the most important relationships on the planet. So honor them well and I just want you to pay attention. Always kiss your wife goodnight and it will serve you well.