Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

Agonizing Regrets Or Awesome Memories, It's Your Choice

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 29, 2021 9:32:28 AM

During my quiet time this morning, I remember my post two years ago about "The Empty Chair" and it made me sad. In my den, there are two recliners, one for me and one for Robin. This is where we hang out and do life together. But one day, one of those recliners will be empty, one of us will be gone. I know that's pretty sad. The truth is, we're going to have horrific regrets or unbelievable memories, one or the other. It doesn't just apply to marriage but to every facet of life, every person we encounter.

One of our mastermind guys is dealing with bitterness. He can't let it go. Believe me I know exactly what it is. A guy did me very wrong that I wanted to shoot to him. I hated that guy. I didn't want anything to do with him. But six months ago, I went to him and I hugged him. And I told him I love you and I am sorry. I had to let it go because I was the only one being held captive, I was the only one being harmed. I was cheating my family because I was disallowing Robin to live the kind of life because I got bitterness harbored in me.

Guys, some of you, today, you want to hug somebody and tell them you love them and you're sorry. If you can't do that, confess it to somebody else and let it go. It squelches everything in you. We only got one life. We don't get a do over. Get rid of that stuff. You say, they don't deserve it! Well, it's called grace. It's things that people don't deserve but are given to them.

Listen, when you quit demanding justice you will know you have forgiven somebody. When you get bitterness out of your life, you will have a joy that I can't even begin what could transpire. It will change your life. Today, let it go!

Share this message to your family as some of them needs to hear it.


Topics: Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Development, Self Development, Gratitude, Decisions, Be Happy, fingerprint, Obstacles, Experience, Personality

I'll Stay Just The Way I Am. The Truth Is, It's Too Difficult To Change.

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 26, 2021 9:30:00 AM

What is it in your life that you see too difficult to change?

I am not asking anybody to change your personality. But there are things in life that you need to change to be successful, to be that guy that encourages, to take that opportunity to change somebody's life through words of affirmation and encouragement.

There are things in life we need to change and give up but instead of changing, we want people to adapt the way you do things, the way you see the world, the way you want to do it!

Truth is, there are a lot of selfishness in us today. We don't want to change because we want it our way.

We have to be willing to listen, adjust, turn, sway, bend a little bit. We need to evaluate our life and be a little more pliable. It's hard to change but we can do it. Don't be that grumpy guy that says "It's just the way I am!"

Go to heights that you never dream possible as a result of altering, changing and pivoting!


Topics: Character, Masterminds, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Discipline, Clarity, Reputation, Development, Decisions, Encourage, Encouragement, Influence, Personality

How To Share eEven When It Feels Uncomfortable

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 22, 2021 9:00:00 AM

I have a tough thing for you to do that I'm about to challenge you with. But I want to encourage each and everyone of you to just try this. Bear in mind for you newcomers I've got 38 years of experience in business and I've been an entrepreneur since I was 18 years old. So I am going to give you a task to do and just trust me on it. I promise you it will pay big dividends.

Here's the thing I want you to do, help somebody that could be perceived as being in competition with you. You say "Big A, you lost your mind!"

When you have a mindset of scarcity, that's exactly what you get. But when you have an abundance mindset, I am telling you it changes your whole world! And I want to encourage you guys today to go out there and help people. Give them the connections, the introductions, walk alongside them.



Topics: Motivation, Character, Finances, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Discipline, Clarity, Gratitude, Crossroads, Encouragement, Lift Someone Up, Be An Encouragement, Guide, Legacy, Personality

How To Respond in Every Situation

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 20, 2021 9:00:00 AM

The best asset you could possibly have is the way we respond.

Yesterday I went to a local medical supply company to buy a little device that I needed. When I walked in I greeted the receptionist good morning and asked how she was and her respond was "Thanks, could be better here but I'm just telling you it's just not gonna be a good day I can already tell!" And I thought öh my gosh! Who is the world they got at the reception!" But she still proceeded to tell me things I didn't have to know. This lady just can't wait to tell me the problem.

You know what I did next? I did not respond. I did not say anything.

If her respond could have been different, it could have been positive I just started laughing inside.

Is that you? Are you like the receptionist? Always looking for an opportunity to pounce on any opportunity that you can to get a word out and cut somebody? To make somebody feel less than so you'll feel better about yourself? Are you that person that sits in the water cooler always talking about this and that?

Lift those people up! It will change the dynamics of your conversation. It changes the air. It changes the attitude. Opportunity starts knocking in! Look for every opportunity to edify, lift up, encourage and watch what happens in your spirit for you personally. Listen, the money will come! I promise you. It will come if you change your attitude. This very day, choose what kind of attitude you're going to bring in any situation that you're in. Go out there and enjoy your family and have a great time!


Topics: Character, Community, Relationships, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Discipline, Clarity, Reputation, Development, Self Development, Decisions, Crossroads, Encouragement, Leadership, Guide, Communication, Advice, Personality

What Do I Need To Do To Feel Better About Myself?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 18, 2021 9:00:00 AM

I learned yesterday that Google has a technology that could give you up to 1000 mbps upload and download speed. I got 21 mbps in my computer the past 20 plus years and I made it okay. Isn't that fast enough? I started thinking how that relates to our life. We always want bigger, faster better and shinier without even knowing how to use the simple things that we got.

It's the same way in business, we think if we just get over there, then we will be happy. If we just get this, then it will be better.

I want to encourage you not to compare yourself all the time. I do it too, I am guilty. I don't have it all figure out. But I know after almost 40 years of business, I can tell you that we need to learn to be content with who God created us to be. There's always somebody that can do it better, got it bigger, can earn more money, got a better book, got a better website, got a faster upload and download speed! There's always somebody! And if you get into that trap, you will be miserable living your life!
What you got to do is say "Hey I am learning to be content but not complacent!" I think that's what we need to do. Learn to be content at where you are right now. Enjoy the things!

Why do you want to speed up, to be faster, get more, get bigger? When are you going to enjoy? Today! When are you going to enjoy those kids? Today! When are you going to enjoy your spouse's company? Today! It's always later, it's always I will be happy when, with a little more money, with a little more time. Guys, you have to enjoy the day! You need to stop comparing yourself to others! You are enough! What you have today is enough for today. Take your time! Go out! Find your own Station Camp Greenway to hang out on, to meditate, to listen, to praise and worship! Whatever it is, enjoy it!

Stop thinking you got to do it like that guy! Got to be bigger, better, always trying to strive to get just a little more but you fail to see the beautiful sunshine, the good things around you.

I want you to learn to enjoy your life, today! Strive to do things better but learn not to compare yourself to other people. I have to remind myself of that daily. I promise you, if you do that, you will enjoy today much better. Stop wishing for I will be happy when and then. Okay? Listen, enjoy today. Strive to do better but not compare!


Topics: Motivation, Character, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Discipline, Clarity, Wisdom, Encourage, Encouragement, Guide, Advice, Authenticity, Obstacles, Expectation, Belief, Evaluation, Personality


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