I wanted to talk about three things patience, persistence and being prepared. These are three things that have really served me well over the course of my business.
Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 12, 2021 9:15:00 AM
I wanted to talk about three things patience, persistence and being prepared. These are three things that have really served me well over the course of my business.
Topics: Accountability, Character, Masterminds, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Persistent, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Self Development, Decisions, Wisdom, Encouragement, Guide, Experience, Personality, Patience
Do not be afraid of doing something new. If it doesn't work out right well okay, you can say, "Hey, I tried!" If it didn't work, pivot change. Do something else but do not be afraid that it's going to fail. Do not think what other people will say or how they are going to view you. Do not allow any fear to keep you in a place - a place that you're not going to experience the life that you want. It's okay to make a mistake. Failure is in not trying not in not succeeding. Shift your mindset! Go out there and go for it. I want to encourage you today to stop being afraid. Pull the trigger! Do something, try something, do it methodically, don't think you have to do it all at one time right. If you're in a spot that you don't enjoy, transition slowly. Get accountability, get people around you that can help you. Incrementally implement a process and a system and a plan that you can work your way out of where you're at.
Topics: Accountability, Masterminds, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Move Forward, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development, Decisions, Encouragement, Risks, Guide, RoadMap, Determination, Advice, Obstacles, Legacy
10 Tips On How To Create A Great Partnership.
I have had about a dozen partnership over the years of me doing business. Don't let people stop your dreams when they tell you that partnerships don't work. That's not true! If they are carefully planned and structured. There has to be an operating agreement!
Here are some tips and things you need to consider so you can create a great partnership.
1. What is the business evaluation formula if we decide to sell? Deposit/length of time/interest rate/etc ( This should be a price that dissuades the partner to sell, not rewards him)
2. What if one partner develops a competing product? Does this negate the partnership? I suggest a length of time for a no non compete.
Who owns the product and platform if you dissolve? What happens if one partner dies?
3. Do I have first right of refusal if the other partner wants out? Will the same evaluation formula be used? Historically, you are penalized when leaving prematurely. This always encourages the partnership to remain in place. It keeps each partner from plotting an early exit. Keeps everyone honest.
4. If a cash influx is needed from the partners are you agreeing to bring your % equal to your ownership %? How much time is allotted for your contribution? What is the plan if the partner says I don’t have or do not want to contribute additional capital?
5. How will the profits/proceeds be distributed? This is a big concern. I suggest a % be distributed and a % be reinvested back into the business. Don’t establish a dollar amount, it always changes as the business grows.
6. When will profits be distributed? Monthly/Quarterly/Annually?
Your needs will always be different. A formula for distribution of profits needs to be in place regardless of your needs. Never distribute based on needs of the partner, this will cause hardship and confusion. Distribute on a schedule.
7. What is the job role/responsibilities, of each partner? Write them out.
8. What is the process if the partner falls on hard times and wants to sell? Non elected, forced ( Bankruptcy, divorce, health, etc..) Formula for evaluation/terms/first right?
9. Is there a dispute clause if you reach an impasse? Or, majority owner holds the red button?
This could be a phased approach. 1. Owners decide 2. Trusted advisors decide (predetermined) 3. Arbitration
Where will the partnership be incorporated?
10. There should be a vision/mission/core values.
You cover these big topics and your future life will be much better, I promise.
Topics: Business, Motivation, Masterminds, Finances, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Commitment, Preparation, Clarity, Development, Decisions, Encouragement, Risks, Leadership, Guide, Communication, Execution, Trusted Advisor
Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 27, 2021 9:00:00 AM
Do you want to be a national brand like my friend and hero, Dan Miller? Attend conferences. But let me tell you, the magic does not happen in the conference room, not when the speaker talk, it happens outside the hall, during coffee or lunch breaks. Believe me, it's true!
Topics: Motivation, Coaching, Career, Community, Success, Significance, Priorities, Commitment, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Decisions, Wisdom, Encouragement, RoadMap, Growth, Determination, Mission, Experience
I have had about a dozen partnership over the years of me doing business. Don't let people stop your dreams when they tell you that partnerships don't work. That's not true! If they are carefully planned and structured. There has to be an operating agreement!
Here are some tips and things you need to consider so you can create a great partnership.
1. What is the business evaluation formula if we decide to sell? Deposit/length of time/interest rate/etc ( This should be a price that dissuades the partner to sell, not rewards him)
2. What if one partner develops a competing product? Does this negate the partnership? I suggest a length of time for a no non compete.
Who owns the product and platform if you dissolve? What happens if one partner dies?
3. Do I have first right of refusal if the other partner wants out? Will the same evaluation formula be used? Historically, you are penalized when leaving prematurely. This always encourages the partnership to remain in place. It keeps each partner from plotting an early exit. Keeps everyone honest.
4. If a cash influx is needed from the partners are you agreeing to bring your % equal to your ownership %? How much time is allotted for your contribution? What is the plan if the partner says I don’t have or do not want to contribute additional capital?
5. How will the profits/proceeds be distributed? This is a big concern. I suggest a % be distributed and a % be reinvested back into the business. Don’t establish a dollar amount, it always changes as the business grows.
6. When will profits be distributed? Monthly/Quarterly/Annually?
Your needs will always be different. A formula for distribution of profits needs to be in place regardless of your needs. Never distribute based on needs of the partner, this will cause hardship and confusion. Distribute on a schedule.
7. What is the job role/responsibilities, of each partner? Write them out.
8. What is the process if the partner falls on hard times and wants to sell? Non elected, forced ( Bankruptcy, divorce, health, etc..) Formula for evaluation/terms/first right?
9. Is there a dispute clause if you reach an impasse? Or, majority owner holds the red button? This could be a phased approach. 1. Owners decide 2. Trusted advisors decide ( predetermined) 3. Arbitration
Where will the partnership be incorporated?
10. There should be a vision/mission/core values.
You cover these big topics and your future life will be much better, I promise.
Topics: Business, Accountability, Business Coaching, Balance, Success, Significance, Priorities, Blueprint, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Encouragement, Guide, RoadMap, Communication, Growth, Perseverance, Execution, Obstacles, Evaluation