Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

How Do You Measure Your Progress?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 28, 2022 9:00:00 AM

What are you doing today in order for you to get better? How do you track your progress? Are you willing to go before other people and say "these are the areas I am struggling in and I need help"?



Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Masterminds, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Clarity, Development, Decisions, Wisdom, Encouragement, Risks, Leadership, Guide, RoadMap, Growth, Determination, Execution, Trusted Advisor, Advice, fingerprint, Mission, Vision Driven Leader, Expectation, Legacy, Evaluation, Patience, Purpose, Ideas, Journey, Grit, Goals, Story, Expectations

If It’s Costing You Your Peace, It’s Too Expensive

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 5, 2022 9:00:00 AM

It seems like that all of those tangible possessions we have own us - which it should not be the case. Take time in making an evaluation of your life. Talk to your spouse and figure out what are the things that are costing you your peace. Then make a bold decision in letting go of the things that is costing you your peace.


Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Family, Community, Relationships, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Move Forward, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Encouragement, Leadership, RoadMap, Growth, Advice, Joy, Obstacles, Belief, Evaluation, Purpose, Journey, Grit, Improvement, Inentional, Goals, Expectations

Why Do I Need To Be In A Mastermind?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 29, 2021 9:00:00 AM

My question is, why would you not wanna be in a mastermind group? Who do you go to? If you are making a major decision, do you have the guys where you can go to seek the proper direction? Do you have the people you can go to consult something that is out of your territory? Being in a mastermind group is just a great way to interact and build that camaraderie and build those relationships that give you resources.


Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Coaching, Masterminds, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Tips, Commitment, Blueprint, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development, Decisions, Wisdom, The Mastermind Playbook, Encouragement, Leadership, Guide, RoadMap, Communication, Growth, Trusted Advisor, Influence, Authenticity, fingerprint, Vision, Joy, Experience, Legacy, Purpose, Value, Journey, value-driven, Compliment, Connections, Grit, Improvement, Inentional, Goals, Trust, Possibilities

Empathy And Compassion Are Key Ingredients To Success

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 13, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Topics: Life Coaching, Character, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Blueprint, Preparation, Discipline, Reputation, Development, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Encouragement, Leadership, RoadMap, Execution, Advice, Authenticity, fingerprint, Truth, Schedule, Legacy, Personality, Purpose, Value, Investment, Grit, VALUES, Improvement, Goals, Compassion, Empathy

What Is Your Secret Sauce? Do You Yave A Silver Bullet?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 8, 2021 9:00:00 AM

If you want to get around people to edify you, encourage you, take you to heights you have never been, help you personal or professional development...ISI Mastermind is the answer!


Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Masterminds, Balance, Career, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Tips, Commitment, Move Forward, Preparation, Clarity, Development, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Encouragement, Leadership, Guide, RoadMap, Determination, Trusted Advisor, Advice, Network, Strategy, Mission, Truth, Value, Investment, Journey, Connections, Grit, Mindset, Improvement, Goals, Possibilities


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