Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

How Do I Reach My Goals?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Sep 13, 2021 9:00:00 AM

I want to ask you today, what are some of your goals? What is it that you're trying to accomplish in life?  Are you following through with your goals?  Are you doing the task every single day in order to get you there?

We can dream but until we write it down and we establish a plan that's all it's ever gonna be as a dream.  But when we have goals and we have a strategy by which to get there we can accomplish those things.



Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Career, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Encouragement, Guide, RoadMap, Growth, Determination, Perseverance, Execution, fingerprint, Strategy, Vision, Mission, Truth, Schedule, Legacy, Habit, Patience, Purpose, Value, Ideas, Ambition, Journey, Grit

How To Unplug On Vacation

Posted by Aaron Walker on Sep 10, 2021 9:15:00 AM

Whenever you are going to a vacation with your wife/family/loved ones, I just want to encourage you to try disconnecting.  Start out, you know, with maybe two or three days.  Hopefully you'll get to a point where you can spend an entire week or maybe even two weeks and completely unplug!  Try it and watch to see what happens.  I think it will speak volumes to your family.


Topics: Accountability, Character, Family, Balance, Fun, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Blueprint, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development, Wife, Holidays, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Be Happy, Leadership, Father, Guide, Communication, Center, Advice, Joy, Expectation, Legacy, Personality, Habit, Value, Journey

I Found The Cure For Cancer

Posted by Aaron Walker on Sep 6, 2021 9:00:00 AM

I wanted to talk to you about something. 
I have found the cure for cancer.
The cure for the cancer is Jesus.  That's it.  I hope I'm not offending anybody but quite honestly God's word is offensive and some people are not going to take this the way I'm intending it and I'm not intending it to be offensive to you because Word is offensive.  I just want to encourage you today to think about it.  To think about what you're trying to do in this arena.  If we get on our knees before the Lord and we love each other, that's the only thing I think is going to change the bad things happening around us. 
At the end of the day when it's all said and done, there's only one thing that matters and that's in our heart.  When our heart is made right, we're going to look at people differently.

Topics: Community, Relationships, Significance, Faith, Priorities, Development, Decisions, Crossroads, Encouragement, Be An Encouragement, Advice, fingerprint, Mission, Joy, Truth, Evaluation, Purpose, Value, Journey, Freedom

Be Careful In Every Decision You Make To Avoid Missing Opportunity Of A Lifetime

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 30, 2021 9:00:00 AM

If you are wrestling with a decision right now, be on the side of your family. I promise you the long-term benefits will outweigh the short-term gains.


Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Family, Balance, Relationships, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Parenting, Commitment, Discipline, Clarity, Crossroads, Wisdom, Be The Light, Encouragement, Leadership, Father, Father Figure, Guide, RoadMap, Determination, Vision, Mission, Joy, Truth, Obstacles, Purpose, Value, Journey

Security Without Experiences Is Not A Life Well Lived

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 27, 2021 9:15:00 AM

Do not keep your self busy with work and exchange time with your family with money. Create experience and memories with your family, with your kids. Spend money or time to create experience and memories. Have a little less house. Have a little less car. Work a little less time at the office and plan for an amazing experiences for your kids so that they can look back and have these great memories.


Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Character, Marriage, Family, Balance, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Parenting, Commitment, Move Forward, Blueprint, Discipline, Clarity, Wife, Decisions, Crossroads, Encouragement, Father, Father Figure, Guide, RoadMap, Advice, Authenticity, Schedule, Obstacles, Legacy, Purpose, Value, Journey, Connections


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