Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

A Great Joy Is Sharing Resources And Connections

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 19, 2021 9:00:00 AM

One of the things that I love doing is to share resources and connections. And here's a video sharing one my connections/resources - CapturedbyTG.com


Topics: Masterminds, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Clarity, Development, Decisions, Wisdom, Be The Light, Encouragement, Leadership, RoadMap, Communication, Growth, Trusted Advisor, Influence, Network, Authenticity, fingerprint, Vision, Joy, Vision Leader, Truth, Personality, Value, Investment, Journey, value-driven, Connections, Inentional, Goals, Trust

The Two Main Culprits That Can Destroy Your Future Success

Posted by Aaron Walker on Sep 30, 2021 9:00:00 AM

I do want to tell you about something that I think could really help you - there are two main culprits that can destroy your future success. One is ISOLATION and the other one is SELF-DOUBT. The reason it matters today is that we were designed to be in the community. We weren't designed to be alone, we're designed to be around a lot of people.

I've discovered that when you're around other people, it really eliminates loneliness and low self-esteem. Oftentimes, we have social anxiety, and being around other people eliminates a lot of that. Listen, I've worked with a lot of people for a lot of years and I do understand the value of being in a community, being around other people.


Topics: Life Coaching, Character, Masterminds, Balance, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Move Forward, Clarity, Development, Decisions, Crossroads, Encouragement, Leadership, Guide, RoadMap, Communication, Determination, Advice, Authenticity, Joy, Vision Leader, Truth, Obstacles, Belief, Value, Journey, Connections, Freedom, Grit, Mindset, Insecuriy

Why are your dreams not goals?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 20, 2021 9:15:00 AM

What is it that you have been dreaming of for years? Well, quit dreaming! We can't just sit around and dream all the time without some level of execution. Start laying out a plan.


Topics: Motivation, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Move Forward, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Encouragement, Guide, RoadMap, Determination, Execution, Advice, Vision, Vision Leader, Procrastination, Obstacles, Legacy, Integration, Purpose, Ideas, Ambition, Journey


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