Have you ever thought about how cool it is that we get a chance every single day to get up and make the most of it? I’m so excited that I get a chance today to make it all that it could be and I can't wait to see what's gonna materialize and unfold on this beautiful August morning.
Hey, what’s your contingency plan? Do you have one? It is important to have a contingency plan. Develop a plan that's gonna, you know, keep going on after after we check out of here. Some of you are like, “You know I'm not that big a deal. I don't have that that big a business and I don't have that many people.” But you got a family that's counting on you. So think through those thing. Regardless if you're a solopreneur. What's your plan? How are you going to take care of your family? If you're a large organization your responsibility obviously is greater and so you've got to have something laid out.