Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

Why Not You?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 5, 2019 9:00:00 AM

When I was 15 years old working at the local pawn shop this guy walked in the store one day and he pulled up in a brand new Cadillac and he was dressed to the nines. This guy had suit and tie, diamond rings, had a gold watch on. I mean this guy was absolutely decked out. I waited on him for a few minutes and then I finally just asked him because you know when you're young you don't have any diplomacy or tack. I went up to him and I said, “Hey, that's such a beautiful car you've got there! And all these diamond rings! How did you make so much money?” He started laughing and he said, “How old are you?” And I said. “Fifteen.” He said, “Let me ask you a question. If you have goals and dreams and you work really hard you can do the same thing.” I said “I know I'm probably not gonna ever have anything.” And he said, “Why not you?”

I want to ask you today, why not you?


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