Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

Will Somebody Please Call The Doctor

Posted by Aaron Walker on May 3, 2019 9:00:00 AM

What telltale signs are going on in your life right now or you need to call the "doctor"? Metaphorically speaking. We all have been in situations where we don't know what to do - - - somebody please call the doctor! What I'm talking about is get around other people! We don't know what we don't know. We only have one life experience. We only have one filter. We only have one way, one perspective that we can look at anything. It is so refreshing when you get around other people that love you and you trust and you can say, "Hey! Here's the situation. Our finances are a disaster and we don't know what to do or our marriage is on the rocks. We want to fix it."  I want to encourage you today, don't believe the enemy. Don't believe the lie that other people are not experiencing dilemma like that the one you are going thru. Today, put a stake in the ground draw a line in the sand!  Get people around you.  People that you trust to get some direction(s).



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