Aaron Walker Live From The Greenway!

You Don’t Need All The Answers To Get Started

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 24, 2019 8:00:00 AM

You don't have to know every single answer to get started. A Lot of you guys ask me all the time, “Big A! Tell me about your master play and tell me about all the things that you're accomplishing and how its laid out for you and how you had it playing?” And I'm like slow down a minute, man. Take a breath. I didn't have any of this stuff playing five years ago! When I started View From The Top. Many of you say, “Hey, I don't have the big picture. I can't see it and so therefore I'm not going to get started.” Listen, you're not going to know what it's gonna look like in its entirety. You just need to start. You need to get out of the gate! You need to launch! You need to go for it and then pivot and turn and you will figure it out as you go. Now, don't be reckless. Don’t get out there and do something crazy. Don’t do something with no plan whatsoever. In whatever it is that you're trying I just want to give you the courage today to launch! Just to get out there and then pivot and turn make the the adjustments that you need to in order to be successful. The scary part though is getting out of the gate. You’re like, “Oh man, I can't do this unless I have every “T" crossed and every I dotted.” I just want to tell you that's not true. You can figure this out as you go. Get trusted advisors around you. Get people that are smarter than you are. When you have the Council of the wisdom of the multitudes the people around you that meet with you on a regular basis that can guide you direct you, you too can launch.


Topics: Business, Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Character, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Balance, Career, Fun, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity


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