1 min read

The Business of Being Bitter and Tales of Two Bitter Business Men

In this episode, Wally and Big A hike down memory lane to tell tales of their bitter mistakes and what it ended up costing them–whether thousands of dollars or their own sanity...or both.  


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“I didn’t care what it took, if he was going to go to court [with] me over $3,000 (or really $1,500), if I had to pay $20,000 for a lawyer to help me resolve this thing and not pay him a dime, I was gonna do it.”

Wally and Big A hike down memory lane to tell tales of their bitter mistakes and what it ended up costing them–whether thousands of dollars or their own sanity...or both. The business of being bitter will lead you down a path you will sorely regret, and in today's episode you'll get an earful about how bitterness can keep you prisoner for life if you don't do anything about it... it certainly drove Big A down the horrific, crazy path toward hating another human being.

Key Takeaways:

  • How Big A found himself between a gun and the man that screwed him out of $40,000
  • The email from an old business partner that ended in Wally paying legal fees costing him way more than if he had just listened to counsel and let it go
  • Why men become bitter and what it costs your marriage, family, and friends
  • 10 practices that will SET YOU FREE from the business of being bitter


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