Overcoming the Fear of Failure and That's None of Your Business
Welcome to View from the Top podcast! In this episode, we are joined by Justin Skinner who shares how one can get through a failure and use it to...
1 min read
Aaron Walker : Nov 7, 2023 9:00:00 AM
In this episode, Big A and Wally discuss how anything done in excess... could be construed as an idol.
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"Anything done in excess... could be construed as an idol.” Recall what you think about most when you're alone. Is it lust, money, worry? Tab Blankenship, a long standing member of ISI, poses this question: what if what you think when you're alone exposes your idols?
Today we're talking about how your life would be different if you trained your brain to replace the idols and prioritize what's best for you and your family. We all have our moments of weakness when we're on the edge, ready to succumb to temptation. Both Big A and Wally expose their idols and detail the events that lead to their victory of these issues. We'll delve into the power of accountability and the role it plays in helping us overcome our idols.
Key Takeaways:
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View From The Top Book by Aaron Walker
Welcome to View from the Top podcast! In this episode, we are joined by Justin Skinner who shares how one can get through a failure and use it to...
Join Big A and Wally as they interview Pastor Robby Gallaty, who went from a $200 a day drug addiction to being the pastor of Long Hollow Church in...
This episode lays out the ways of maintaining a consistent vision and a direction in your business!