What is Business Success?
Learn the four benchmarks we created that define success for our lives on today's episode.
This episode deeps dive into how to prioritize our goals in marriage and our journey to making better decisions for our family
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"I have more goals than I have bandwidth. I don't know which ones to let go of. Help me..." Jeff Miller, an entrepreneur in our community , asks a really solid question: "How do I manage all the competing goals in my life. I understand that I wear many hats, a husband, a dad, and a businessman. I have goals in every area of my life. The truth is I have more goals than I have bandwidth. I don’t know which ones to let go of. Please help me…"
Wally and Big A answer Jeff Miller's question by admitting they have the same issue. We all have competing goals in our lives, it's how we handle them that matters. We deep dive into how to prioritize our goals in marriage and our journey to making better decisions for our family.
Key Takeaways:
We're wrapping up this one with a playbook of tactics that can help transform the endless goals you have into actionable to-dos. We're dishing on software development strategies that have shaped my approach to goal setting and advocating for bringing your family and teammates into the goal-setting huddle. Grab your notepad and let's sketch out a game plan to turn your ultimate ambitions into reality, one intentional step at a time.
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Learn the four benchmarks we created that define success for our lives on today's episode.
In this episode, we discuss our personal experiences, highlighting the benefits of traditional vs lifestyle business offer, and the sacrifices...
Bret Barnhart has been in business since 2002 and has always wanted to be one of the biggest excavation businesses in Oklahoma. However, ten years...