Aaron Walker Podcasts

Creating Timeless Value

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 12, 2019 8:27:36 AM

In today’s show, Aaron Walker interviews John Lee Dumas.

John came up with the idea to launch a daily podcast interviewing today’s most successful and inspiring entrepreneurs when he realized no one else was doing it.

All of his favorite podcasts – ones that shared interviews with individuals who were doing amazing things and leading inspiring lives – were once per week, and some of them only once every other week.

As a Commercial Real Estate Broker, John found himself in the car every single day driving back and forth to appointments wishing there was more motivational content available to him on-demand.

That’s when he had his own AH-HA moment and decided that he would be the one to create that content.

The name EOFire, short for “Entrepreneurs On Fire”, was inspired by the late, great Stuart Scott, who was famous not only for being an incredible sportscaster, but also for a phrase he loved and used often: “HE’S ON FIRE!” Scott would use the term in reference to a player who was on such a roll that he couldn’t be stopped.

When John heard Scott use the phrase during the 2012 playoffs, he knew it was a perfect fit for his podcast that would share the journeys of entrepreneurs who couldn’t be stopped.

We hope you enjoy the podcast. All the highlights, resources, and next steps can be found below. Listen to the full episode here and learn more at viewfromthetop.com.

Show Highlights:

  • The highs and lows of living in Puerto Rico
  • The EoFire transition after 2000 episodes.
  • Are you listening to the new Master Classes or Variety Shows offered on EoFire?
  • JLD’s shift from success to significance
  • People listen when you’re passionate
  • Haters tell you, you’re doing something right
  • JLD’s love for quotes and gratitude
  • The power of batching


“I want to create a stand alone, valuable course that people can come back to time and time again.”

-John Lee Dumas

Click HERE to listen to the full episode.

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Take Action … Next Steps from the Show

JLD emphasized how important quotes and gratitude are to him. In today’s challenge, share your favorite quote or what you are grateful for with us on Twitter.


If you accept this challenge send us a note on Twitter to Aaron (@vftcoach) and Danny (@alienearbud) and use the hashtag #viewfromthetop


Connect with Aaron

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Check out Aaron Walker’s daily podcast, The Mastermind Blueprint available on your Amazon Echo or iTunes.

Read more at http://viewfromthetop.libsyn.com/season-2-episode-2-creating-timeless-value#2CCxk3f4glugrfP4.99

Topics: Business, Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Character, Business Coaching, Family, Balance, Interviews, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Reputation, Development

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