Aaron Walker Podcasts

How to Accomplish your Three Year Vision

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 9, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Today I’m joined live with Aaron Walker and we’re going to talk about our live event and the come as be party we’re going to throw ...

We hope you enjoy the podcast. All the highlights, resources, and next steps can be found below. Listen to the full episode HERE and learn more at viewfromthetop.com.




The Story

In The Success Principles, Jack Canfield talks about attending a Come as You’ll be Party in 1986.  Guests were encouraged to come with book covers, awards, clothes, and pictures that showed them as they would be living 5 years in advance.  At this event, Jack showed the cover of his New York Times bestselling book - that was nothing but a dream at that point.

In 1993 the first Chicken Soup for the Soul was released and Jack went on to write over 80 books.  More than 500 million Chicken Soup books have been sold—and the original has been translated into 40 languages.  Jack says that party flooded their minds with powerful images of already having achieved their aspirations.

Seneca says If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.

Habakkuk 2:2 from the Old Testament says: Write the vision down so that those who read it will run.

These quotes speak to how powerful vision is in our lives.

Come As You Will Be Live Event?

Aaron talks about having a vision and making it come to be.  You have to believe it in your mind first and then it will happen.  The theme caused members to talk in the future and envision where they would be.  

“At the time I stood up and shared my future I hadn’t even written my book and said I would have 10 mastermind groups.  It was scary. Now my book is written and we are getting ready to launch our 15th mastermind group and I am 50% greater than where I thought I would be and I am a year ahead of schedule.” - Aaron Walker


Mindset Change

You must work your way to it becoming real and not just perceived.  Aaron talks about what has to happen today. You must focus on the things that matter and plan. The 12 Week Year has changed the way we do things.  In Iron Sharpens Iron we have daily and weekly accountability partners that keeps us going.

“In Iron Sharpens Iron we focus on the task not the goal.” - Aaron Walker


If you could use some help getting your priorities in order, I want to welcome you to Iron Sharpens Iron mastermind. You can read all about it and fill out an application at viewfromthetop.com

In ISI we help men live lives of success and significance.


Join Iron Sharpens Iron

Apply here to join Aaron’s exclusive Iron Sharpen Iron Mastermind. You’re just one click away from living a life of success and significance.

Thanks for listening to today’s View from the Top podcast. To make sure you don’t miss any of our episodes click subscribe right now and if you enjoyed what you heard today please tell a friend and share on social media.

Learn how to live a life of success and significance at viewfromthetop.com

Read more at http://viewfromthetop.libsyn.com/how-to-accomplish-your-three-year-vision#23VyE3ltikirwD8h.99

Topics: Business, Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Character, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Family, Career, Interviews, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Reputation, Development, Self Development


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