It was a great pleasure to be a guest of Jake Nawrocki in his Operation Self Reset Podcast where we talked about the following:
- Get professional help when you need to and surround yourself with friends who care.
- Do not let a negative event in your life define who you are!
- Money matters, but it’s not the ultimate purpose! You need to be significant, not just succesfull!
- Money does not change your heart, it magnifies what is in there!
- Take the focus off you, and put it on other people!
- Do random acts of kindness!
- Put your spouse on the first place, then your kids come second!
- You spell love I.M.E. to your family!
- It takes time to build valuable relationships and you need to be available to invest the time, the resources to form those relationships!
- Don’t let people be a dream killer!
Listen to the full episode here.