Aaron Walker Podcasts

Show up and Keep Moving Forward

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 14, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Scott Beebe is the Founder and Creator of the Four Steps to Business Freedom program. He is a business coach, trainer, and strategist. When Scott was let go from his job, he credits Aaron Walker for helping him and inspiring him to find his life’s purpose. On the show, Scott discusses why he built the Four Steps process and how it helps business owners succeed.


Highlights from This Episode:

  • Why did Scott start the Four Steps to Business Freedom process?
  • Scott credits Aaron for helping him during tough times when he was let go.
  • Scott took baby steps and slowly but surely he built Four Steps from the ground up.
  • Aaron offers a weekly call and it’s the most powerful thing in his coaching. Just by showing up to the call, it keeps you accountable and ready to take on new challenges.
  • Remember to keep showing up and to keep moving forward.
  • The Four Steps process is not magic. However, when small business owners follow a systematic process, magical things start to happen.
  • A vision without implementation is just a hallucination. The key is execution.
  • How does the Four Steps process set business owners up for success?
  • The bigger we become, the more structured we have to be.
  • Scott shares an amazing client success story!

Click HERE to listen to the full episode.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Marriage, Balance, Career, Interviews, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Reputation, Development

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