Aaron Walker Podcasts

Pursuing A Life Of Significance With Aaron Walker

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 15, 2019 10:42:22 AM

I had a great time talking with John Livesay of Success Pitch Podcast. Some of the things we have talked about is about the success and significance, masterminds, The Mastermind Playbook...and a lot more!

Click HERE to listen to the full podcast.



Topics: Life Coaching, Accountability, Coaching, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Career, Interviews, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development

The Real Deal with Jason Silverman featuring Aaron Walker: View from the Top

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 13, 2019 8:00:00 AM

It was just a great honor to be interviewed by Jason Silverman of The Real Deal Podcast.  Click HERE to listen to the full episode.  You can also follow him on Android Podcast.




Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Character, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Family, Finances, Balance, Interviews, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Faith, Priorities, Tips, Parenting, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Reputation, Development, Self Development

Ep145: Aaron Walker – Your Worst Moments Can Focus You on Creating Your Legacy

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 11, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Here's another podcast episode that I enjoyed! I got to be interviewed by by Andrew Stotz on the My Worst Investment Ever Podcast. Here is the LINK to my interview. You can also listen to the episode by going to Apple Podcast and while you're on Apple Podcast subscribe to Andrew Stotz's page and leave your feedback.


Ep145 Quotecard Aaron Walker


Topics: Life Coaching, Accountability, Coaching, Character, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Career, Interviews, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development

EP7: Aaron Walker Mastermind Group Business Strategy

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 6, 2019 8:00:00 AM

I enjoyed to be interviewed recently by Goerge B. Thomas on the 5-Minute Strategy Podcast - Sprocket Talk. Here ís the LINK to my interview.  Give it a listen.  You can also listen to the full episode on Apple Podcast.

Screen Shot 2019-11-06 at 6.58.51 PM


Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Coaching, Character, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Family, Interviews, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development

Stop Hiding and Be Vulnerable

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 30, 2019 9:00:00 AM

Up next you can hear Daniel Bauer interview Aaron Walker as they discuss vulnerability.

We hope you enjoy the podcast. All the highlights, resources, and next steps can be found below. Listen to the full episode HERE and learn more at viewfromthetop.com.



The Foundation

Aaron talks about how authenticity is the foundation of what they are building at Iron Sharpens Iron. Aaron says it is important to be vulnerable and transparent, because it allows you to overcome the difficulties in our lives. He also says getting up in front of people and being transparent is encouraging and inspiring to them. This can build a cycle of transparency and authenticity that benefits everyone involved.

“The more you are transparent with people, it gives them permission to be transparent with you, and now we have an authentic conversation.” -Aaron Walker


Personal Bias

Aaron says by telling the truth, people can spare others of the challenges that they have faced. People also have a tough time seeing their own flaws, and having others being honest with you and your flaws can lead to great changes. He uses the duct tape activity as an example. One person sits in the middle with duct tape on their mouth so they cannot speak, while the group around them gives their honest opinion on things they can improve. The more people that share the same view on someone can change how they view themselves and their flaws, and this ultimately helps people work on their flaws.

“The more people share in those groups and the more they are honest with the people that are participating, the more it helps them.” -Aaron Walker


The Reasons People Hide

Aaron talks about the reasons that people are not transparent. He says the main reason is because of trust. If people are not sure if they can trust you, they usually won’t be fully transparent. Aaron stresses how important it is to be a trustworthy person, and to be confidential when someone tells you their story. Aaron also says there has to be a good time and place to be vulnerable. This is not small talk, this can’t be something that gets brought up at the dinner table.

“I highly recommend that you don't form a new relationship and air all of your dirty laundry immediately, people have to earn the respect to share at this intimate level we are referring to.” -Aaron Walker


Join Iron Sharpens Iron

Apply here to join Aaron’s exclusive Iron Sharpen Iron Mastermind. You’re just one click away from living a life of success and significance.

Thanks for listening to today’s View from the Top podcast. To make sure you don’t miss any of our episodes click subscribe right now and if you enjoyed what you heard today please tell a friend and share on social media.

Learn how to live a life of success and significance at viewfromthetop.com


Read more at http://viewfromthetop.libsyn.com/stop-hiding-and-be-vulnerable#GIGpArSqsR1OFw20.99

Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Coaching, Character, Masterminds, Family, Balance, Career, Interviews, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development

Podcast Guesting: The Strategic Living Podcast

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 23, 2019 8:00:00 AM

#088: “A View From The Top”: An Interview with Aaron Walker [Podcast]

It was a great honor to be a guest on The Strategic Living Podcast with Brian Holmes. 

You can check out what Brian has going on over at The Strategic Living Podcast. We had a great discussion about living a life of success and significance.





Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Career, Interviews, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Reputation, Development, Self Development

Step by Step

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 21, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Up next you can hear Aaron Walker for a solo show where he discusses the benefits of a healthy mind and body.

We hope you enjoy the podcast. All the highlights, resources, and next steps can be found below. Listen to the full episode HERE and learn more at viewfromthetop.com.


Healthy Mind and Body

Aaron starts off by speaking about how he was born a long term thinker. Long term thinking allows you to make educated decisions that may impact your future. This concept is prevalent in a book called “The Daniel Plan.”  Aaron asks and answers one of the questions asked in the book. Do you view food as fuel, comfort, or medicine?

I’ve never looked at food as medicine in my entire life, but I’m kind of viewing it that way now and I am personally seeing the benefits of it.” -Aaron Walker


How Much is too Much?

Aaron gives some background info on his mindset regarding health. Aaron has never been a guy to work out every single day or watch every bite he takes, but he thinks being in great shape is important. This is obtainable without a crazy new diet or strenuous workout routine. These things may ultimately hurt more than they help. Aaron says a balanced life is important, and find someone to hold you accountable. Your goals are not as far off as you might think.

“I want to encourage you to not be that guy that just goes nuts, gets rid of everything and exercises 7 days a week. You’ll burn out, you won’t hold that pace.” - Aaron Walker


Join Iron Sharpens Iron

Apply here to join Aaron’s exclusive Iron Sharpen Iron Mastermind. You’re just one click away from living a life of success and significance.

Thanks for listening to today’s View from the Top podcast. To make sure you don’t miss any of our episodes click subscribe right now and if you enjoyed what you heard today please tell a friend and share on social media.

Learn how to live a life of success and significance at viewfromthetop.com


Read more at http://viewfromthetop.libsyn.com/step-by-step#7kZF3F7h5k8CvCgM.99

Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Coaching, Character, Business Coaching, Interviews, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development

I Have the Money, What's the Big Deal?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 18, 2019 11:12:41 AM

Up next you can hear Aaron Walker for a solo show.

We hope you enjoy the podcast. All the highlights, resources, and next steps can be found below. Listen to the full episode HERE and learn more at viewfromthetop.com.


I Can Afford It

Aaron talks about how he and his wife decided to sell their house and buy a smaller house. This has helped him realize what was important to him. For instance, family is something that means the world to Aaron. Once you are able to sit down and think about this, make sure to always take your family into consideration.


What Is Getting In Your Way?

Aaron asks us to evaluate what is getting in the way of our lives and what is most important to us. He would like us to take some time and really dive deep into these underlying issues. Is there something that is getting in between you and your family?

“Always air on the side of your family. Businesses don’t have feelings but family does.” - Aaron Walker


Join Iron Sharpens Iron

Apply here to join Aaron’s exclusive Iron Sharpen Iron Mastermind. You’re just one click away from living a life of success and significance.

Thanks for listening to today’s View from the Top podcast. To make sure you don’t miss any of our episodes click subscribe right now and if you enjoyed what you heard today please tell a friend and share on social media.

Learn how to live a life of success and significance at viewfromthetop.com


Connect with Aaron

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Check out Aaron Walker’s daily podcast, The Mastermind Blueprint available on your Amazon Echo or iTunes.


Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Finances, Balance, Career, Interviews, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Reputation, Development, Self Development

Expert Interview with Bob Burg

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 16, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Up next you can hear Aaron Walker sit down with Bob Burg.

Bob Burg is a sought out speaker for company leadership and sale conferences. Bob talks with broadcast personalities and a former President. Bob has been named by the American management association as one of the top 30 most influential thought leaders in business.

We hope you enjoy the podcast. All the highlights, resources, and next steps can be found below. Listen to the full episode HERE and learn more at viewfromthetop.com.


Why another book on leadership?

Bob says that he loves leadership and there is still so much to be learned. Bob talks about influence and how leadership is intertwined with it. The book shares more of a story rather than a how-to book.

Bob believes leadership is changing and there can be an endless amount of books on the topic.


What is a Go-Giver?

Someone understands that they are given an enormous responsibility to bring value to those they lead. Bob describes to move from the “I” to the “other focus” and put the interest of others before their own.

“When we think of traditional leadership we sometimes think of the stereotype that the leader is all about themselves. I do feel that this is changing though.” Bob Burg

With a go-giver leader, they willingly give up their self-interest and understands the more value they bring around them, the more it will benefit the organization.

It takes vision and holding on to that vision to be a successful leader. Doing this helps create unity with the community and see the goal.


Keys to Leadership

  1. Hold your vision
  2. Getting others to see your vision so they too can become leaders
  3.   Everybody Matters
  4.     Having people feel good about their work
  5.    Stand for something
  6.    Who you are is one of the most important aspects of being a leader
  7.    “When someone has a high character we trust them because they stand for something” Bob Burg
  8.    Practice giving leadership
  9.    Handing over leadership to others
  10.    Coach those that are in a leadership position
  11.     Great leadership can trickle down


Hiring Traits

Bob says he would look for someone that has a history of the “other”. Having the person focused on the team and not the individual self. If you have that as a starting base, then you can look to get to the level 5 leader.


“The level 5 leader will take the blame and assign the credit.” Bob Burg


The level 5 leader will be the leader that is there for you and will run through a wall for you if they have to.


Top 3 Pieces of Advice

  1. Understand people do things for their reasons, not our reasons
  2. A great leader always asks questions: How do my goals align with their goals?
  3. Understand earning trust will be your most valuable asset
  4. Understand the prevalence of technology is vast, but it is always about the people


Get in touch with Bob


Website: thegogiver.com


In ISI we help men live lives of success and significance.

Join Iron Sharpens Iron

Apply here to join Aaron’s exclusive Iron Sharpen Iron Mastermind. You’re just one click away from living a life of success and significance.


Thanks for listening to today’s View from the Top podcast. To make sure you don’t miss any of our episodes click subscribe right now and if you enjoyed what you heard today please tell a friend and share on social media.

Learn how to live a life of success and significance at viewfromthetop.com

Read more at http://viewfromthetop.libsyn.com/expert-interview-with-bob-burg#jsqkOXcQu7EqXjQ5.99

Topics: Business, Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Character, Family, Balance, Career, Interviews, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development

Robin hurt my Feelings- Adult Emergency

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 14, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Up next you can hear Aaron Walker’s Adult Emergency: He needs help because Robyn hurt his feelings!

We hope you enjoy the podcast. All the highlights, resources, and next steps can be found below. Listen to the full episode HERE and learn more at viewfromthetop.com.



The Story

If you’ve been married for some time, are you laughing like you used to? Is the same sense of intimacy there?  Does your heart skip a beat when your wife walks in the door because you are so excited to see her? If not, why not?  What’s going on?

“I know for me whenever there are relational issues in my marriage I don’t have to look much further then myself to find a culprit. It’s not about who is to blame, but I need to own when I screw up.  My worst sin is getting so engrossed in my work I spend all my energy at work and leave little for my family when I get home.” - Danny Bauer

Adult Emergency

Aaron talks about a time when Robin hurt his feelings by telling him that they don’t laugh like they used too.  When Aaron and Robin have disagreements, they don’t holler and yell or scream and fight, they sit down and talk through it.  Aaron wanted to defend himself but realized what Robin said was the truth.

“We don’t laugh anymore because I’m a knucklehead, because I get so focused on what I am doing and I’m so intense about what I’m doing and I get laser focused.  I forget to laugh sometimes.” - Aaron Walker


The Challenge

Aaron admits that he is guilty of forgetting to laugh sometimes.  He forgets to relax and have fun and let his guard down because he is so busy trying to make money and build the community and create his best life.  Aaron wants to challenge and encourage you today to go home, get your spouse, go out, have fun and laugh. It’s worth it.

“But what is the point in all that if we forget to laugh?” - Aaron Walker



Sometimes that’s all we need to wake the heck up!

“It was a small point in the story, but I highly recommend that you put artifacts around your house that illustrate and symbolize your ideal relationship and life to the fullest.  We need reminders of our why.” - Danny Bauer

At VFTT we help men live a life of success and significance.  If your priorities are out of whack or if you’re not laughing like you used to with your wife, we can help.

If you could use some help getting your priorities in order, I want to welcome you to Iron Sharpens Iron mastermind. You can read all about it and fill out an application at viewfromthetop.com

In ISI we help men live lives of success and significance.


Join Iron Sharpens Iron

Apply here to join Aaron’s exclusive Iron Sharpen Iron Mastermind. You’re just one click away from living a life of success and significance.

Thanks for listening to today’s View from the Top podcast. To make sure you don’t miss any of our episodes click subscribe right now and if you enjoyed what you heard today please tell a friend and share on social media.

Learn how to live a life of success and significance at viewfromthetop.com



Deep Work by Cal Newport

Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Character, Family, Balance, Interviews, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development


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