Aaron Walker Podcasts

The Hidden Why Podcast Presents Aaron Walker – Authentic

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 22, 2018 8:00:00 AM

The Hidden Why Podcast!  I enjoyed talking to Leigh Martinuzzi.  We have discussed "authentic" on this episode.

Click HERE to listen to the full episode. 



Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Marriage, Business Coaching, Family, Balance, Career, Interviews, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Integrity

Aaron Walker from the Valley to the Mountaintop

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 19, 2018 8:00:00 PM

I had a blast taking to Eric Nevins of Halfway There Podcast.

Below are the things that we have discussed in this episode:

  • Growing up in a Christian family in Tennessee
  • Giving his heart to Christ at a revival in 1970
  • How his life changed when he hit a pedestrian in his car on August 1, 2001
  • What his life was like before the accident
  • Why he was angry going through the dark night
  • How he learned prayer is not just asking God for things
  • Learning to memorize Scripture in his morning routine
  • How he ended up in a mastermind with Dave Ramsey
  • How he helps people with Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind Groups

Click HERE to listen to the full episode.





Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Marriage, Business Coaching, Family, Balance, Career, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Move Forward

Living a Life of Significance with Aaron Walker

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 19, 2018 8:00:00 AM

I had fun guesting in Michael Hudson's podcast, Get Your Message Heard.

Some of the few things we have talked about are:

   - Coming In and Out of Retirement 

   - Living a Life of Significance 

   - Working for the Greater Good 

   - And much more!


Click HERE to listen to the full episode.


MHudson_IG_89 (002)

Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Coaching, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Balance, Career, Interviews, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Move Forward, Preparation, Integrity

Play Your Position Podcast - Aaron Walker: “Isolation Is the Enemy of Excellence”

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 17, 2018 8:00:00 AM

aHR0cDovL3N0YXRpYy5saWJzeW4uY29tL3AvYXNzZXRzLzAvZS9jLzUvMGVjNTU2ZDlmMzllMDZmYS9Db3B5X29mX1BZUF9DT1ZFUl9VUERBVEVEXzIwMTYucG5n"Aaron is one of those incredible humans who exemplifies servant leadership and living his purpose. Since we last spoke, Aaron published the book he was working on when we talked three years ago, as well as grown his mastermind business that, at its core, motivates ordinary men to become extraordinary."  - Mary Lou Kayser


Click HERE to listen to the full episode.










Topics: Business, Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Coaching, Marriage, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Family, Finances, Balance, Career, Interviews, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward

What's Holding You Back? With Scott Thom

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 15, 2018 8:00:00 AM

Scott Thom is a pastor and the founder of Cross Christian Fellowship. Over the last 28 years, Scott has personally mentored several young men throughout his ministry career and understands the deep importance of having a community of men that help support you and bring you higher, just like the Iron Sharpens Iron community.


Highlights from This Episode:

● What actor would Scott pick to play him?   

● Does Scott have any hidden talents?

● Scott wanted to be a police officer when he grew up.

● Why did Scott join Iron Sharpens Iron?

● Scott has been mentoring men for 28 years.

● Scott shares an important story about why he started the School of Ministry.

● Stay tuned! Scott will be taking his school online!

● What has been the most unexpected benefit to joining ISI?

● What are some of Scott's routines?

● Final piece of advice? You have to have a plan.

Click HERE to listen to the full episode.





Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Business Coaching, Balance, Career, Interviews, Relationships, Success, Significance, Podcast

You're Going to Get as Much as You Pour in with Jared Buckley

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 11, 2018 8:00:00 AM

Jared Buckley was first surprised by Aaron Walker's authenticity and easy-going personality. Soon after speaking with Aaron, it was a smooth transition for Jared to join Iron Sharpens Iron. It was easy getting along with the mastermind members the moment the entire group felt comfortable to be transparent with one another. Because of that, Jared has developed incredibly close relationships with his mastermind group. On the show, Jared mentions a line that is true with any kind of work you do, "You're going to get as much as you pour in."


Highlights from This Episode:

● Jared would get Will Smith to play him in a movie.

● What did Jared want to be when he grew up? 

● Jared talks about his strong relationship with his father.

● What steps does Jared take to get focused? 

● Does Jared have any hidden talents?

● Why did Jared join Iron Sharpens Iron? 

● When Jared emailed him, Big A immediately wanted to get on the phone with him. It took Jared aback for a moment.

● The more you put up a wall, the harder it is for people to get to know you.

● What unexpected benefits has Jared received from ISI?

● What does Jared's mission statement mean to him?

Click HERE to listen to the full episode.


Topics: Business, Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Coaching, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Finances, Interviews, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities

The Iron Sharpens Iron Community Improved My Mindset w/ John VanDerMeulen

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 9, 2018 8:00:00 AM

John VanDerMeulen shares his story and the benefits he's received from joining the Iron Sharpens Iron community. He ended up joining the mastermind about a week after he spoke with Big A on the phone and has seen a ton of benefits since then. One of the biggest benefits with being in a community of men who expect great things to happen is how their positive can-do attitude rubs off on you. Instead of beating himself up over mistakes, John has found a new and more positive perspective on how to handle problems. 


Highlights from This Episode:

● What did John want to be when he grew up?

● What did John learn when he took over the family business?

● Does John have any hidden talents?

● How did John become interested in finance?

● How has the Iron Sharpens Iron community helped John?

● The community has helped John get out of a negative mindset.

● Just being in front of other people that expect more starts switching your mindset to a more positive space.

● Why did John join ISI?

● How does faith and business intersect in John's life?

● What kind of tools helps John succeed in day-to-day life?

Click HERE to listen to the full episode.



Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Coaching, Business Coaching, Career, Interviews, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Podcast

I Finally Found My Tribe with Wayne Herring

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 7, 2018 8:00:00 AM

Wayne Herring is the CEO of Stronger Salespeople where he works with CEOs, business owners, Vice Presidents, and more to help attract, select, and hire the best salespeople for their industry and organization. When working for himself, Wayne discovered he was lonely and needed new minds to bounce ideas off of. When he joined Iron Sharpens Iron, he immediately noticed a difference in how much he got done. Listen in to hear more about Wayne's story.


Highlights from This Episode:

● What actor would Wayne pick to play him in a movie?

● What did Wayne want to be when he grew up?

● Does Wayne have any hidden talents?

● Why did Wayne join Iron Sharpens Iron?

● Wayne found his tribe. He has a group of people to help keep him accountable.

● What unexpected benefits has Wayne received from ISI?

● Wayne talks about his personal mission statement and why it means so much to him.

● Wayne talks about his company, Stronger Salespeople.

● Learning how to hire the right people is critical to your success.

● How does Wayne balance work and his family?

Click HERE to listen to full episode.





Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Career, Interviews, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities

First 100K Show: CEO Aaron Walker Goes From POOR to RETIRED at age 27

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 2, 2018 8:00:00 PM

Oh man!  This is indeed an honor.  To have a 2nd guesting in Joseph Warren's Podcast!

Here's the full EPISODE.



Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Family, Balance, Career, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Podcast, Commitment, Persistent, Move Forward

From Solopreneur to Entrepreneur with Raz Shafer

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 30, 2018 9:00:00 AM

Are you a man who longs for a life of success and significance? If so, you are in the right place. Our host, Daniel Bauer, interviews top entrepreneurs who have learned from Aaron Walker’s, aka "Big A," vast experience through coaching, masterminds, and resources to improve their spiritual, personal, and professional lives. Welcome and enjoy the View from The Top!

Raz Shafer is a Christian, conservative, Texan, entrepreneur, and more. At a young age, Raz has always been interested in politics and he currently runs his own consulting company, Frontline Political Strategy, which helps empower campaigns to run the best in class ground operations. He and his team have knocked on nearly 200,000 doors for conservative candidates. Find out how the Iron Sharpens Iron has helped Raz succeed.

Click HERE for the full episode.



Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Finances, Balance, Career, Interviews, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Commitment, Persistent


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