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View from the Summit


Posted by Aaron Walker on May 30, 2014 8:16:00 AM

Making the best decisions on a daily basis has multiple challenges...


Working the right amount of hours, spending enough time with the children and being faithful with your thoughts and actions has its share of trials.

I am a long term member of a local community church and 18 years ago I was introduced to the practice of personal accountability. Resistant to the concept initially and unsure how this was going to pan out I reluctantly agreed to give it a try.  The selection process of 6 additional men was frightful to say the least. Some of the men I had long term relationships with and other relationships were newly made.

Fast forward... This decision has without question transformed my life. Knowing on any given day I have an ear to bend or a watchful eye to guide me, all without bias or condemnation has been key to my success in business and life.

Through the years I and my "band of brothers" have experienced many trials and successes together.  The average guy will not ask you difficult questions nor can you share huge successes with someone you have not invested your life with.

Have you ever thought about building accountability into your own life?


Here are some common questions I get asked on a regular basis about being accountable:
  1. How can you trust someone completely? You can't at first, it takes years to build confidence and trust. The longer you wait now puts you further behind later. Just get started.
  2. What do you talk about? Family, Business, Spiritual Needs, Morals,  Ethics,  Physical conditioning and Goals.
  3. Are you willing to tell the truth? You have to be willing. It's easy to say you will but will you really?
  4. Are you willing to call your friend to task? It may be uncomfortable but if you are not willing, you are really not a friend but an enabler.
  5. Do you really want to go deep, learn and achieve or are you just going thru the motions? If you want to grow as a man, achieve heights thought to be unattainable, get accountability.

So, what are you going to do about it? Ready for real success? It's time to pursue accountability.

Not sure where to begin? Please drop me a message and I can point you in the right direction.

Topics: Life Coaching, Accountability


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