View from the Summit

Am I entitled to an inheritance?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 11, 2014 8:43:00 AM

Growing up in the south I have been exposed to hard working country people my entire life.


Blue collar family and friends were all I knew.  My dad was a general contractor, my grandfather worked for the railroad. Survival was the common theme not surplus.

Thinking about inheritance has never been in my round table discussions. My mom has done very well stretching her income and sacrificing and I suspect there will be something left for her heirs. But am I entitled to it? Absolutely not!

Just because we share the same DNA does not entitle or even justify my rights to her estate or any portion of it. If I receive anything at all it will be out of the kindness of her heart. It will be a “gift” at which I do not deserve. I have done nothing at all to create her estate, and it is hers 100% to disburse as she’s sees fit.

A friend’s siblings were discussing if their parent’s home should be sold and used for long term care. One spoke up and said “there goes our inheritance”.

Personally I feel whatever is best for my parents should be considered first and foremost regardless of any inheritance that I might receive. Our hearts desire should be for the best environment, health care and comfort we can provide for our aging parents.

If you feel within you a sense of entitlement or a motivation to compromise your parents best interest for your gain, you may have a real underlying problem. Take care of your parents like you want to be taken care of, you are going to be there pretty soon.

Mom, I hope you spend your last dollar thirty minutes before you die.

Topics: Life Coaching


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