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View from the Summit

Anxiety - Let’s Do Something About It

Posted by Anthony Witt on Mar 30, 2020 12:27:37 PM


As men of iron we want to be sharpening ourselves and moving forward. We definitely need to deal with what is holding us back, but we also need to focus on the things that will move us forward. That means focusing on

Clearly, we are in somewhat of uncertain times in many areas of our lives. We can talk about anxiety and how we should only worry about the things we can control, or we can talk about how, if we allow anxiety to grow, it will continue to create a circle that will get worse and worse over time. All of these things are important when it comes to overcoming anxiety and worry, but I feel an overwhelming need to focus on what we can do to reduce our anxiety.


Anxiety starts small and it begins with one or two thoughts or feelings that begin to control the way that we think. Once this happens, it creates a circle which gets habitually worse until we stop and interact to cut the circle in half.


So what can we do to cut the circle in half? As men of iron we want to be sharpening ourselves and moving forward. We definitely need to deal with what is holding us back, but we also need to focus on the things that will move us forward. That means focusing on our strengths and not our weaknesses. I have listed three things below that can help reduce anxiety and worry. These are activities that will help you feel accomplished instead of making you feel torn down.


Three Things To Reduce Anxiety and Worry 


  1. Good Nutrition
    If we don’t have good nutrition, we will be putting toxic chemicals into our brain which can block other positive effects that we are taking to be healthy. Anxiety and worry have to do with our brain; we need to have a healthy brain in order to combat symptoms. That means eating meats and veggies, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. It’s the sugar and starches that will crush our brain’s function and ability to fight. It’s like poison to our brain.
  2. Exercise
    For most of us, our exercise gyms or even workout partners have been taken away from us. We need to continue to exercise. Science and research have proven that exercise can be just as effective as some psychological drugs in the fight against anxiety and worry. What that means is you need to get outside, go for a run, take a walk or even grab one of the online communities that has created at home workouts. The endorphins produced from exercise can be just as good as the drugs your doctor prescribes.
  3. Cognitive Therapy
    This means finding a place, time, or person to help you break the cycle inside your brain resulting in the effects of anxiety and depression. A mastermind group is the best place to start. We are your brothers and we are here for you to help break the cycle. What you need to do here is simply slow down, enough to realize what’s happening and to not allow it to continue. Other ideas are praying, meditating, reading scripture, listing what you’re grateful for.


Anxiety and worry can be huge, but we have the cure. We do not need to live in isolation, we have a band of brothers here to help. Let’s lean into one another this week as we continue to grow even in the midst of the challenges we are facing. I believe in every single one of you.


WE have got this.

Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Masterminds, Family, Balance, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Clarity, Development, Self Development, Burden, Listen, Decisions, Wisdom


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