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Are You Competent?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 15, 2014 7:57:00 AM

In my one-on-one life-coaching sessions, we focus on achieving fulfillment and satisfaction in life.

We do this by exploring three critical "competency" areas: I define "competency" as the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.  


Here are the 3 areas -

  • Focus
  • Improvement
  • Balance
Just like an athletic coach, a life coach has to:
  • challenge weakness,
  • encourage strength,
  • and guide others to execute with mastery.

During the discovery phase of the coaching process, I guide my clients through a Personal Assessment. We are then able to get a clear picture of the current circumstances they are facing and then uncover their desired goals.

It's at this point we begin to see a new life story unfold.

Once we clearly have the objectives in view we create their personalized road map. This serves as a guide to new and exciting destinations.

This new life plan will seem out of reach at first.  But it is usually only within a few months my clients begin seeing their plans start to come together.

I would hope everyone could experience life change at this level. There is nothing quite like it. But many people never do because of just a few things. Here are some enemies that will keep you "stuck".

Enemies of Focus

  • Over commitment - schedules packed too full.
  • Our inability to say "no".
  • Our lack of financial discipline - this is a big one!
  • Our "microwave mentality" - always wanting it now.

What you can do about it: (what we call "Improvement")

  • Put yourself in a position to get challenged on a regular basis.
  • Measure and track your forward progress. In our finances, relationships, and spiritual condition.
  • Seek out mentors, coaches and trusted advisors.
  • Read thought provoking books, blogs and listen to podcasts.

Finding Balance

Balance is the most difficult competency of all

Tweet: Balance is the most difficult Competency of all. - Aaron Walker http://ctt.ec/80A3C+


There is a constant tension with balance. I would encourage you to embrace the tension, this means you are paying attention. Most of the time were out of balance because we over commit. Learn to say no, it's healthy. And don't fear simplification - with your stuff and with your family.


Simple things are more meaningful to begin with. Throwing rocks in the creek, time at the park, riding bikes, walking in the woods...

And remember: the more you buy the more bondage you are under.

Even if you pay Cash you have to

  • Insure it
  • Wash it
  • Use it
  • Store it
  • Protect it
  • Find a place for it
  • Eventually sell it

What about you?

What "competency" do you struggle the most with?

How could you simplify your life?

What are you doing to lay out your own "road map" for success?

Need some help? Looking for a coach. I would love to help. Be sure to reach out via my Contact Page if you are looking for a business or life coach.

Experience an Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind Group business


Topics: Life Coaching, Coaching, Business Coaching, Finances


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