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View from the Summit

Are You The Squeaky Wheel?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 18, 2015 5:13:00 AM


Is this not the best time in history? We are afforded opportunities today like never before. The modern technology is fabulous, and the information highway provides answers in milliseconds. If I have a need or a consuming desire, within minutes I can find a solution and instructions on the internet. Within 24 hours, I can reach any location on the globe. Google will supply directions and an interpretation device that allows me to overcome any language barrier. 

Even with all this information, technology and modern day amenities, there is invariably someone dissatisfied. No matter how fast, convenient, big or sophisticated things can be, someone's not happy. There is a squeaky wheel in every group; someone's not with the program! Historically, this person talks louder, meaner and demands it their way. It's too cold, too warm, too loud, or he can barely hear it. I can't believe they charge this much for that or how wasteful it is to give so much. I've decided I don't want it. It's too much trouble, too long and considerably overpriced. I lost the receipt but I still demand my money back. No one will be able to relax until he gets satisfied, don't you understand, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. 

On a fishing trip a few years back I tested the waters one too many times personally while trying to exercise my customer status. One continuous threat after another to the local authority, until I had pressed too hard. One of our group members, a senior gentleman, asked me what I was trying to accomplish. I quickly demonstrated my youthfulness and replied, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease."  He reclined in this chair, adjusted his hat, took a puff off his pipe, and simply said, "Sometimes, young man, the squeaky wheel gets replaced."  

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