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Aaron Walker

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Men, Here is Free Advice from a Billionaire

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 13, 2015 1:18:29 PM

This week I had the privilege to meet Jeff Hoffman while attending a conference. While there were incredible pearls of wisdom, one speaker that stood head and shoulders above the rest as billionaire Jeff Hoffman. I can’t even begin to share with you how he rocked the stage. Jeff is a successful entrepreneur, proven CEO, worldwide motivational speaker, Hollywood film producer, and a producer of a 2015 Grammy winning jazz album. In his career, he has been the founder of multiple startups, the CEO of both public and private companies, and has served as a senior executive in many capacities. Jeff has been part of a number of well-known companies, including Priceline.com, uBid.com, CTI, ColorJar, and more.

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Topics: Business

Smart Passive Income Podcast

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 4, 2015 5:30:00 AM

SPI 189: Entrepreneurship and Life with Aaron Walker

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Topics: Interviews

The Good Dad Project Podcast

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 3, 2015 1:42:21 PM

The Good Dad Project Podcast Episode 34. The Ultimate Guide to Work/Life Balance with Aaron Walker.

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Topics: Interviews

I'm Insanely Jealous!

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 24, 2015 2:54:33 PM

Invariably, the aftermath of a jealous rage is ugly to say the least. The anguish and torment we put ourselves through are immeasurable.

We ask ourselves irrational questions that are hypothetic in nature and expect logical answers to surface as a result of this inner dialogue.

 We attempt to rationalize our thoughts, and we banter back and forth hoping for a solution. We often compromise our character mentally, rationale sets in, but more often than not we make the best decision. However, there are times when craziness sets in. I’m talking this inescapable fit of rage like the Looney Tunes have arrived. What then?

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Topics: Character, Marriage


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