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Aaron Walker

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How To Eliminate Bitterness. I Seriously Thought About Shooting This Guy.

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 14, 2015 9:27:00 AM


It was around 1990 I was pretty involved in buying real estate. I had bought a condo on the south side of Nashville called Paragon Mills. It was a foreclosure, and the profit was going to be pretty sweet. I held it a couple years to take full advantage of the capital gains tax vs. ordinary income. After advertising it for a couple months, a buyer surfaced, oddly enough, I knew him. We were by no means friends; he was just a local business person that had been very successful in his career (locals would know him if I used his real name). To protect the guilty, we will call him John. 

To make a really long and complicated chain of events much shorter, I will just go straight to the bottom line.

He cheated me out of $40,000 using a technicality that was hidden deep in the contract, unknown to anyone but him.

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Topics: Motivation, Relationships

Act Local Marketing

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 13, 2015 5:38:00 AM

130: Mastermind Groups with Aaron Walker

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8 Minute Millionaire

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 10, 2015 6:12:00 AM

8MM 23: Millionaire Interview: Aaron Walker, Entrepreneur and Founder of 8 Businesses

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360 Entrepreneur

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 8, 2015 9:52:02 AM



TSE 069: How to Live a Life of Success and Significance with Aaron Walker

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