I have chosen “relationships” for the month of August. When we normally discuss relationships, we immediately think of another person. However, we have relationships with many things outside of individuals. This post is not going to resonate and be received well by many people, and I want to go ahead and clear the air and say, I’m okay with that. I also want to say that I’m not being condescending, condemning or judgmental.
Every single day I get the privilege to coach men, locally and abroad. I have built relationships as a result of this profession that I could never have had if I had stayed in a traditional bricks and mortar business. I’m so grateful for this tremendous blessing. There is one glaring obstacle, hindrance, addiction, habit, and desire I see all the time, alcohol. As the title of this post so eloquently says, “every fiber of my body hates alcohol” is the strongest, truest, and most deliberate title I could muster up. I suppose I could have inserted the word “loathe," and this may have described my disdain more adequate.